Britain In Full Blown Economic Panic

Discussion in 'Economics' started by ByLoSellHi, Jan 22, 2009.

  1. So much doom and gloom. Absurd.
    #41     Jan 23, 2009
  2. zdreg


    you are a typical american who does not realize that US is a weakening power in the world whether militarily or financially. the US through its greedy financially institutions and incompetent political institutions ie congress have brought the world to the edge of financial chaos. militarily you are able unable to pacify a small country like iraq.

    the world, perhaps with great pain, will adjust to the twilight of the american empire.

    Canada with its vast natural mineral wealth and underpopulated has no desire to join in a union with the US.
    #42     Jan 23, 2009
  3. 377OHMS


    I love canadians but you are clearly a 'tard.

    The U.S. military at this particular moment in time could kick the shit out of anyone dumb enough to engage it conventionally or unconventionally.

    You also fail to comprehend that in a wordwide depression the U.S. suffers the *least* and recovers the *fastest*.
    #43     Jan 23, 2009
  4. Why so butt hurt over my post? I just wanted to know why the Canadian stock market tracks the U.S. markets, that's all.

    And maybe the American Empire (whatever the hell that is) is in its twilight. Let another country take over as world cop. That's fine by most U.S. citizens. But with your big neighbor to the south no longer playing cop and with your "vast natural mineral wealth :D and underpopulation," chances are you'll be speaking Russian or Chinese in the next couple decades. Good luck with that.
    #44     Jan 23, 2009
  5. clacy


    No kidding. I always crack up at these fucking Canadians who complain about our military, when they are the ones who reap the benefit, yet don't have to pay for it (at least directly).

    How long do you morons think it would take Russia to start expanding into "your vast mineral wealth"? Two, maybe three minutes tops...............
    #45     Jan 23, 2009
  6. sumosam


    sure, the north american markets coalesce. however, the cdn banks never got into the subprime mess....they happen to be the strongest in the world. also, we do not have the real estate going so wildly over the, no foreclosures at this point.

    neither, do we have massive government debt, but a surplus.

    china and russia have massive political instability. :D :D
    #46     Jan 23, 2009
  7. C6H12O6


    Privately, something close to desperation is starting to develop inside government. After watching the slide in bank shares on Friday, one cabinet minister did not altogether joke when he said: "The banks are fucked, we're fucked, the country's fucked."
    #47     Jan 23, 2009
  8. gnome


    America has rightly or wrongly played "policeman to the world"... spending OUR money and risking OUR servicemen's lives to defend against aggression from many directions.

    Personally, I think that's TOTALLY STUPID. It has cost us mega-plenty and has been misguided. The WHOLE WORLD has benefited from America's expenditure on defense.. and much to our own detriment. The rest of the world has benefited mightily while we have paid the tab.

    And all the world mostly says "down with America".... y'all should bow righteoustly down and kiss our rings... ye', maybe even kiss our collective ASSES in appreciation..

    Think about it. Hitler tried to conquer Europe. We helped in stopping him.

    Japan tried to conquer China. We stopped them virtually single-handedly.

    North Korea/China tried to conquer South Korea... we stopped them.

    Saddam invaded Kuwait... we stopped him... AT OUR EXPENSE.. AND AT THE LOSS OF AMERICAN LIVES.

    For anyone in the WORLD who is not appreciative of the money we've spent defending, the lives lost in defending someone else, the money we've spent in aid.... Y'ALL CAN JUST KISS OUR ASSES!

    If "things" were right and just, we'd leave you to fight your own battles and not send you financial aid... but Nooooo. We're generous. We're even STUPID that way. And for sure, we're not appreciated!

    America has never tried to conquer ANYBODY (except Mexican interests in California.. in our defense, we really had no choice... couldn't trust the defense of the Pacific coast to someone other than America).... but we've OFTEN been part of (or solely) the LIBERATING force. If folks can't appreciate that, then piss on 'em!!

    #48     Jan 23, 2009
  9. Comon now gnome, all those liberations were really politically and business minded. You didn't mention Iraq II and the hundred of thousands of collateral damage. It's the same story in Vietnam and many other places. How many governments are backed by the US? Sometimes it might save a country, but it always comes with its pound of flesh.
    #49     Jan 23, 2009
  10. Badoit


    I take it the majority of the users in this Forum are infact American...

    Well, let me offer a different perspective.

    Throughout the rest of the world America is regarded as a nation of ignorami. Fact.

    Some of the comments in this thread only serve to support this position.
    #50     Jan 23, 2009