Briefing Trader

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by EliteTraderNYC, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. I am glad I may try it again in the future
    #31     Jun 12, 2009
  2. I use it daily and second what brettman says. It's extremely customizable.
    #32     Jun 12, 2009
  3. Thinking of cancelling my subscription as the quality of their market observations has substantially deteriorated. BLUEX and a few others way off their game
    #33     Jul 23, 2009
  4. i had used briefing years ago when it was basically the only site of its kind. later switched to the street account as it had better insights.

    how do these two compare today? outside of trading calls which im not interested in..
    #34     Jul 23, 2009
  5. And neither does this one

    #35     Jul 23, 2009
  6. dear traderzones,

    fine. how about some "logical" explanation from your side why it doesn't??

    #36     Jul 23, 2009
  7. It really isn't much use anymore. From 2003-2007 Briefing used to literally move stocks with bogus rumors and stock pitches.

    Remember Mike Tarsala's Tech Watch back in 2003-2004? He would pump some micro cap stock and it would move 20-30% in a few seconds/minutes as everyone piled into it.

    When that dried up, it became the "Briefing Trader Rumormill". During the merger mania hayday (2006-2007) Briefing Trader would pitch "takeover chatter" on at least 2-3 stocks everyday. They would even state prices and the rumored acquirer*. Those pumps would move even large cap stocks a few points.

    After that fizzled, then came the technical trades from their "in house" traders. They worked for a little while only because everyone would try to jump in first and let the slow traders move the stock and then cover into them. After a couple months, it became a massive fade as everyone took the opposite of the pitch and slammed stocks on all the guys who piled in.

    Since early 2008, it has been mostly worthless.

    Have to give them credit though. The guys on the inside of Briefing Trader must have made a killing buying/shorting all those stocks, then pitching bullshit rumors* and stock trades, and then covering after a huge spike that they caused.

    *P.S.- Not a single one of Briefing Traders "takeover chatter" rumors ever materialized. It's almost impossible that they would pump 2-3 takeovers a day from 2006-2007 and not a single one ever actually got taken over, meanwhile there were multiple buyouts going on every week. LOL.
    #37     Jul 23, 2009
  8. well for one thing, you felt you needed to post the same spam about 8-9 times in different threads. So obviously you despararately need the money and have to spam rather than properly paying as a sponsor or advertiser.

    So, that about wraps you up.
    #38     Jul 24, 2009
  9. TraderZones,

    again the same thing.

    You talk about ME..who cares about ME?

    why don't you say something smart about the gapstrader system...

    when will someone start talking about trading here, not just personal crap?!
    #39     Jul 24, 2009
  10. I'm curious, John...

    I'm not sure what your complaint is. It seems like calls like the WFR call are good (looks like you have deleted that comment). But still, trying to get a feel for what you are looking for and what you feel has changed.

    I'm CHART, btw... Just looking for feedback. Thx
    #40     Jul 24, 2009