Brexit - The aftermath

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by OptionGuru, Jun 24, 2016.

  1. I am sorry, but it's a lot of words, but so little facts. Independence... it's a funny word, I would prefer EU officials over Boris Johnson and Nigel Farage - two idiots, they brewed this referendum only because they wanted to take over the country. On the second day Farage confirmed that most of the campaign was based on a lie.
    #31     Jun 29, 2016
  2. benwm


    Nigel Farage isn't even in the government, and he lost his seat as an MP last year, so he's not going to be involved. He wasn't even in the original Leave campaign. There was misinformation on both sides but I don't see people who voted Leave changing their minds based on what has been revealed since the vote, which is what you originally wrote. I would prefer an elected MP versus an unelected EU official. Which means Boris Johnson or whoever is the new Conservative leader will need to call a general election to get a mandate from the country. As others have said, let's agree to disagree.
    #32     Jun 30, 2016
  3. benwm


    In any case, it seems unlikely now that Boris Johnson will be next Conservative leader. His odds widened considerably today after a private email was leaked last night and general concern amongst fellow MPs as to his suitability for role. I expect the next PM will be either Teresa May (odds on favorite) or Andrea Leadsom (I placed a small bet on her at 12/1).

    Edit - Boris Johnson now ruled himself out of running.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2016
    #33     Jun 30, 2016
  4. If a person is not elected it does not mean that he or she will serve worse than a populist.
    #34     Jul 1, 2016
  5. ironchef


    It is like the US tells Canada that they have to accept anyone from the US who wants to emigrate, live and work in Canada unconditionally.

    The EU is a bully. They only imposed those conditions selectively on countries they can bully or desirable countries. I don't see them imposing the same conditions on the US-EU free trade agreement. Or have mutual reciprocity of the same with Turkey and other Eastern European countries that are non EU?

    I know it will be a few tough years ahead for UK but it is a great nation with proud histories and very resourceful citizens and will come through fine, just like during the dark days of the second world war.

    I am actually happy for the Brits to take back their independence.
    #35     Jul 2, 2016
    JesseJamesFinn1 and benwm like this.