Breaking down esignal and metastock

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by RobinHood, Aug 6, 2006.

  1. I'm currently using telechart and looking into esigna, metastock, aiq and what they offer.

    I'm a little confused on a few things:

    The difference between esginal software and Advanced GET. Doesn't the esignal program offer scans anyway?

    Also they say metastock allows you to scan using 'explorer' but will I be able to find somthing like 'a stock moving up on volume %50 above 50dma' etc?

    Do any of these options offer industry groups?

    Any insights highly appreciated
  2. taowave


    If you are interested in creating industry groups and sectors very easily and being able to set up RS relationships AIQ is the best ...BY FAR....

    AIQ will also allow you to scan almost anything you like.The charting is a bit old in the tooth,but its a very very good program if you want unlimited flexibility in creating groups and industries