
Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by blackguard, Feb 28, 2005.

  1. Im thinking of moving to Brazil and living there. Can someone who has lived there give me some information as to:

    1)where to stay
    3) info about women

    feel free to PM me.

  2. let me know how it works out.., blackguard. i understand the women are unreal but the street criminals will shoot you first then take your money, instead of asking you for your money first.....

    stay safe,

  3. I live in Brazil in a City called Recife. Brazil is a continental country and have many different regions and cities to live. The region i live is tropical and the annual average temp is about 28ºC. It´s Northeast of Brazil. Recife has a population of 2 milion people.

    The biggest city of Brazil is Sao Paulo ( 15 milion ). Southeast. It´s a great city with all the goods and bads of the greatest cities in the world. It´s not so danger like is said. Rio de Janeiro is more danger.

    But i will suggest you one Region and one city. The best city to live in Brazil is Florianopolis. South of Brazil. Same temperature of Florida. Great beachs, 1 million people, first world structure, no criminals and the most beautifull women of the world. Many Gisele Bundchen there. I think this year im gonna move to there.

    PS: It is 2 hours from Sao Paulo by airplane.
  4. I was thinking about a long visit to Brazil lasy year.
    I like to go where beautiful and friendly people are.

    I know it's one perfect place to have fun, eat, play and sleep.
    But I canceled my trip for few reason "being not much
    safe and not that cheap,..".

    Still it's second choice on my "long visit" list of countries.

  5. hello,my friend. what is "world structure" ?

    thank you for the information !

  6. 1st world countries infrastructure? I guess not, may be
    2nd world countries.
  7. I was saying that you can have there everything necessary to have a confort life. Guys, Brazil is not Africa.
  8. What he means is "infraestrutura de primeiro mundo" - which translated means roughly "infrastructure of a industrialized country" - not "third world" standard, although Brazil is considered a third world country - mostly because of lacking consumer empowerment. Exports are what drive the economy - along with extremely conservative capitalism to maintain the status quo and suppression. The safest way to get rich is to become a politician or bureaucrat so you can steal money from public funds - extreme corruption is the other suppressive factor here. You still have slave workers here (mostly around the amazon area) and roughly 5 mn kids under the age of 12 working.

    Actually, all of Brazil is considered a tropical region, but with variations in temperature, plants and landscape. The northeast is very dry and has large sand dunes - and is the poorest region in Brazil, while Curitiba is considered the most modern city in Brazil with the best infrastructure.

    I saw a survey showing Rio as the city with the worst crime followed by Sao Paulo and Recife. Although driving in Sao Paulo is quite daunting at times, I thought the craziest traffic was in Recife where my cab actually crashed a few hundred meters from the hotel. The cab driver changed lanes around 50 times, but used his signal only 2 times - then he smashed into the car in front of us at a stop signal. Fortaleza is the biggest "vacation/tourist city" in the northeast - while Natal is growing rapidly - although being a very poor city.

    Remember Brazil is a developing country and things seems to not be moving along any time soon.

    Rio is amongst the top 3 most dangerous cities in the world - murders wise etc., but very "alive".

    A lot of services and luxury items etc. stop being transported north of Salvador, Bahia. Food is great in the big cities - Recife, Fortaleza included - not in Natal though.

    80% of Brazil's coastline consists of sandy beaches - so there are lots of opportunities if you are looking for great beach life. If you want great living amenities as well - then you look southwards - if cheap living accommodations is what you want - then look northwards. A lot of things are much more expensive and of very poor quality - more so than people from industrialized countries are used to. Examples are fridges, micro-wave ovens, TVs, computer equipment etc. I always say computer equipment here is roughly 3 years behind and double the prices compared to the latest and greatest equipment abroad.

    If you go through customs you only pay 50% taxes on anything you declare - and another 50% if you get caught not declaring what you should. Importing stuff from abroad is nice too - you only pay 60% on top of freight and value etc.

    Living in the south you can get a lot of contraband items "cheaply" - digital cameras, computers etc. Otherwise, it's all going through the governments programs and ridiculous taxing system to insure everything possible is made in the country.

    It's also illegal for banks to liquidate a family's home - so there are no credit lines on homes. The car loan rates are a low 3.3% - per month that is. Buying an imported car - second hand - in nice condition is the best buy if you want a quality ride - but crime and road conditions dictate some modesty in selecting your car.

    Women have the typical latin temperament, but you will find more "moderate" women in the south than in the poorer areas. Also, there are roughly 17 distinctions of skin color here - compared to the 7 (?) distinctions in the US. Not every woman here is Gisele Bundchen to put it mildly - and the tropical climate makes for some very common hygiene complications where STDs are a lot more common than in colder countries.
  9. Also, like I've mentioned a few times before - be very, very, very careful about bringing money you plan on moving out of the country again - in to - Brazil in the first place. The central bank policy is very restricitve. Otherwise you can withdraw large sums (up to your full balance) in cash, cashier's cheque using a passport and a VISA card - called a "VISA online transaction".

    You are best adviced to have some offshore bank account or similar.

    Also, most people don't speak any english, although they have 4 years of english at school. In a survey of 80 countries - inluding most OECD countries - Brazil came 3rd last in educational quality and student skills/knowledge.
  10. FredBloggs

    FredBloggs Guest

    my girlfriend is brazilian (she lives over here with me) and ive been over to brazil a few times (see family etc)

    we went to recife once - great place! especially o-linda. v beautiful place & people

    one thing though - english is hardly spoken anywhere in brazil in my experience - and although brazilians are mostly really nice folk, the country as a whole aint too keen on americans - especially the brazilian banking system.

    other bods may have different opinions or have more experience of the place.

    i love the restaurants over there - sit down, eat all you want for buttons. its kind of a buffet/barbecue thing going on. meat lovers paradise!
    #10     Feb 28, 2005