Bravo Mr Romney

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AK Forty Seven, Dec 6, 2011.

  1. Lucrum


    No, of course not. But then neither does your messiah Obama.
    At least have the integrity and honesty to admit it, or not.

    If I'm not mistaken Ron Paul is the only one with any sort of real plan. Whether you agree with it or not is another thing.
    #11     Dec 7, 2011
  2. Lucrum


    #12     Dec 7, 2011
  3. Ricter


    The problem with the gop's goals is not that they are too general, but that they are the wrong goals, at this time.

    Cut spending. Ok, sure, cut waste, but it's going to always be a fight because one man's trash is another man's treasure. But can we all agree that spending is too high? No. For one thing, if we look at how we're doing in comparison, which gives us a "realm of the reasonable" view, we find that our spending is mediocre. Or if we think spending is too high because we're going farther into debt, well, debt is a function of spending AND revenue. We see that our spending is not high by comparison, so perhaps the rising debt is primarily a problem of revenue...

    Ease taxes. Are they too high? How can we MEASURE that? By comparison (as always, ignoring the California Problem for a moment), our taxes are relatively low. Corporate taxes seem high, but after all is said and done, including deductions, tax holidays, and outright gifts, corporations today have the highest ever profits and the highest ever cash reserves. If taxes are "too high", how can that be?

    Cutting non-wasteful spending and cutting taxes are simply wrong ideas at this time, there is NO crowding out occurring, none whatsoever.

    Promoting business and employment. Absolutely. But how? The first two gop goals will, at this time, do the opposite. Don't believe me? Look at the news, today's news. Austerity is having the opposite effect, it is not "expansionary" (unless there is crowding out--there isn't). As for cutting taxes, they are not a burden and they are not holding back hiring, I gave the evidence for that above.

    Defend the country and interests of the country around the world. Agreed. Taking a holistic, ecological view of the US, if you will, you see that the entity truly does not begin or end at the border, it's an interrelated, interdependent system, and the best defense of that is far from its vital organs.

    Energy independence. Nice goal, but unobtainable without a major invention, or a major contraction. Let's hope we're the first for the former, and that we're the last for the latter.

    Re the socialism comment, some form of mixed economy is vital. Without "everyone on board", voluntarily, we cannot present a unified front to the world, and any other nation that chooses to be united either voluntarily, or by coercion, will whup us. Letting certain players with an edge leverage that edge without restraint, thereby ending the game because all the chips are on their side of the table, may seem fair by the rules, but if the outcome for all of us is bad then clearly the rules are flawed.
    #13     Dec 7, 2011
  4. Truth !!!!!!!!

    Disagree with "Defend the interests of the country around the world " though
    #14     Dec 7, 2011