BPOP - Order Flow Wins

Discussion in 'Trading' started by livevol_ophir, Apr 13, 2010.

  1. livevol_ophir

    livevol_ophir ET Sponsor

    BPOP is trading 3.68, up 20% today and 42% since the first post on 3-22-2010. The <a href="http://www.livevol.com">LIVEVOL&#8482 Pro Summaries</a> are below.

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hMry1m7UF10/S8Suk614amI/AAAAAAAABy0/g5wfkq1E3ic/s1600/bpop_summary.gif">

    <img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_hMry1m7UF10/S7DEJv4BoII/AAAAAAAABl8/e2gR9WPU3Ec/s1600/bpop_summary2.gif">

    4-13-2010 (today)
    <img src="http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_hMry1m7UF10/S8SstphPhNI/AAAAAAAAByc/jJ6u7_0My44/s1600/bpop_summary_3.gif">

    First Post: <a href="http://livevol.blogspot.com/2010/03/bpop.html">Click Here</a>

    First Update: <a href="http://livevol.blogspot.com/2010/03/update-popular-bpop-one-sided-order.html">Click Here</a>

    The company has traded over 86,000 options (not a typo) in the first four hours on total daily average option volume of just 2,890. The Stats Tab snapshot is included (in the article).

    Sometimes order flow does point to a move - in this case the stock jumped from ~$2.60 to ~$3.70 in a few weeks preceeded by obnoxious one sided order flow (see prior posts above).

    The news: Click <a href="http://www.reuters.com/article/idCNSGE63C0IX20100413?rpc=44">HERE</a> for full article.
    "Shares of Popular Inc (BPOP.O) jumped 11 percent on heavy volume Tuesday, a day after the company said it was raising $900 million, giving the biggest bank in Puerto Rico ample cash to go for widely expected regulator-backed deals."

    This is trade analysis, not a recommendation.

    Details, trades, order flow here:
  2. A 42% gain sounds "better" than a ~1 point gain. :cool:
  3. livevol_ophir

    livevol_ophir ET Sponsor

    ROFL! :p
