Boycott NIKE!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Clubber Lang, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. Poindexter, traderob and smallfil like this.
  2. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    So proud of Nike and happy for Kap:)
  3. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    Fuck under armour and their trump loving CEO
  4. vanzandt


    Thats unbelievable. And unbelievably stupid. WTF are they thinking? Did the BOD vote on this? Man if I was a majority shareholder, I'd be f'n pissed.
    Tsing Tao and smallfil like this.
  5. RRY16


    You meatheads keep boycotting the only thing you’ll have left is Dingo boots, Papa Johns and Mickeys Big Mouth Malt liquor.
    Frederick Foresight and Cuddles like this.
  6. RRY16


    Buy a 2 lot with the money you will save not paying your bet and raise a stink at the next shareholder meeting.
  7. Max E.

    Max E.

    They are going to eat shit on this one hardcore, you know what NFler actually sacrificed everything for the country they believe in?

    Pat Tillman


  8. newwurldmn


    And with all these boycotts no one seems to notice. I think that shows the economic importance of this political movement.
    piezoe, Frederick Foresight and sle like this.
  9. newwurldmn


    You think pat Tillman would have been for or against the protests? Many military people don’t disagree with them.
  10. Max E.

    Max E.

    Who do you think buys the overwhelming majority of Nikes shit, for their kids? Middle class white people, how do you think the numbers would fall with middle class white people on the NFL protests, overwhelmingly bad, they literally just made an ad that is going to piss off more than half of their customer base, nice work NKE, time to short the stock the blowback from this ad in the coming days is going to be hardcore when the media kicks back up tomorrow.
    #10     Sep 3, 2018
    smallfil likes this.