Boom ba-ba-BOOM ba-ba-BOOM

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bungrider, Jan 22, 2004.

  1. i eat much more than bran.

    i abundantly nourish myself with copious quantities of plants not animals. i eat cheese sparingly, so little chicken or fish so infrequently that i needn't even mention it...


    #11     Jan 22, 2004
  2. :p :p

    If I could, I would.
    #12     Jan 22, 2004
  3. Bad guess.

    Sorry about your condition, but had you lived pre-agriculture, you would have had an advantage. Diabetes conserves fuel for the human in a famine wracked environment, and it generally does not produce symptoms until after age 35, long after mating and after the average lifespan of 50,000 years ago.

    I will amend my earlier statment to exempt the "metabolically challenged".

    For the other 97% of the obese, well chow down - not.

    I know Even Maverick74 will agree with me on excoriating the obese: It is costing taxpayers 60 billion a year in Medicare for the medical complications of obesity.

    Check this out Cathy:
    #13     Jan 22, 2004
  4. me, too....

    but like john cougar mellencamp said, "you gotta make it hurt so good" which for me has meant that you gotta get over the exercise hump and once you do it's all downhill....but the initial hump is pretty tough and i was no exception...and there is a hump for everything, especially what you eat....just have to take it slow and try to slowly make your diet more healthy and then it gets easier with time...

    when i was a little kid i thought the whole "make it hurt so good" line was about buttsex, and to tell you the truth, i still think that's what he meant...
    #14     Jan 23, 2004
  5. Believe what you like but I've lost and maintained weight on a low-carb diet. Last checkup showed normal blood pressure, good cholesterol levels. Low-carb does have a body of peer-reviewed articles supporting it but I guess it's more fun being a blowhard than looking up the facts. So keep eating your veggies and tofu and farting up a storm, guys.
    #15     Jan 23, 2004
  6. i like to fart...

    can you drink beer on that diet??
    #16     Jan 23, 2004
  7. BS. No studies on long term safety of high fat diet and TONS to contrary for a multitude of very good reasons. I will keep eating my veggies thank you because I know that given a choice b/w beneficial plant sterols/phytochemicals or lots of useless (dangerous) saturated fats I'll take the former any day :D

    Even atkins org is backing off their exaggerated claims so you keep deluding yourself and eating those steaks lol :p
    #17     Jan 23, 2004
  8. i couldn't imagine life without beer or wine...

    for me, that alone is worth exercising, as opposed to eating tons of cortical animals just so i don't have to get off of my big fat ass...

    truly sad, the whole thing.
    #18     Jan 28, 2004
  9. "cortical animals" .. LOL :p

    what's big deal with eating animals anyway?? Tons bad saturated fats and a little iron.. what's the point?? i really don't get it. :confused: Try not eating any steaks or hamburglers for several weeks then chow down .. tastes like a greaseball. Try it, you'll see what i mean. imagine what this is doing to your freakin arteries :eek:

    compare taste of a hamburgler to a peach. no comparison, peach is delicious sweet juicy the hamburgler tastes awful. if it didnt you wouldn't have to smother the greasy bland taste with ketchup, mustard onions pickles etc [all plants BTW :D ]

    the peach chock full of vitamins and phytochems, the hamburgler artery clogging sat fats and feces. :eek: :eek:
    #19     Jan 28, 2004
  10. amen to that, LS...

    i call the stuff i don't like to eat the "cortical animals" because they are the ones who are mammals and thus have developed higher brain function and you truly need a cortex to have higher brain function (the same reason i am pro-choice...hopefully this won't stir up anything, but it is the reason for my convictions about both)...thus i feel bad eating animals which can develop complex thoughts and memories...the "cortical animals"

    animals with well-developed cortex: cows, pigs (i try not to eat pork but i love it so i do it maybe once every 1-2 weeks), lamb...things with 4 legs..

    animals with no or tiny cortex, which (i think) probably don't deeply care if they live or die: poulty, fish, shellfish...

    but regardless of how i rationalize eating or not eating meat, it is very bad for you in all but moderate amounts..
    #20     Jan 28, 2004