I need some book titles to help me populate the book review system that's being built for this site. Initially, there will be three categories: day trading, swing trading, and options trading. In each category, I need about 30 books each. So if several people could post some books they have recently purchased that would fit into any of those categories, that would be helpful. Keep in mind that the titles you post do not necessarily have to be good. If you've recently bought a book that sucked, post that too. However, please reserve your opinion of each book you post until the review system is complete. At this point, I need titles only. Thanks, Baron
Baron, Here are some titles that I have benefited from. Trade your way to Financial Freedom- Van K. Tharp Trading for a Living- Elder How to Make Money in Stocks- William O'Neil 24 Essential Lessons for Investment Success- W. O'Neil Best regards, Kevin
Baron, besides the books mentioned already above, here my suggestions : How I trade for a living, Gary Smith ( not Gary B. Smith ! ) The Undergroundtrader, Yea Ju The Swingtrader, Allan S. Farley The Afterhours Trader, Michael Sincere The Longterm Daytrader, Michael Sincere The Electronic Daytrader, Marc Friedfertig The Stocktrader , Tony Oz Stocktrading Wizard, Tony Oz The complete Daytrader : Trading systems....., Jake Bernstein Hit & Run Trading I + II, Jeff Cooper Technical Analysis from A - Z Steven B. Achelis The Market Wizards II, Jack D. Schwager DeMark on Daytrading Options, Tom DeMark The Options Course ( and Coursebook ), George Fontanills Intermarket Technical Analysis , John Murphy Introduction to Technical Analysis, Martin Pring well - have to check what else I have in my library. regards
Baron, Here are some more: Daytrading: Electronic Day Trader's Secrets - Mark Friedfertig Electronic Day Trading Made Easy - Misha Sarkovich The Market Maker's Edge - Josh Lukeman Tools and Tactics of the Master Day Trader - Oliver Velez Electronic Daytrading to Win - Bob Baird A Beginner's Guide to Daytrading Online - Toni Turner Day Trade Online - Chris Farrell Day Trade Part-Time - John Cook Day Trading into the Millennium - Michael Turner Electronic Day Trading 101 - Sunny Harris Electronic Trading Guide for Nasdaq Level 2 - Online Trading Academy The Strategic Electronic Daytrader - Robert Deel Strategies for the Online Daytrader - Fernando Gonzalez What Works in Online Daytrading - Mark Etzkorn Options: How I Trade Options - Jon Najarian Swing Trading: The Master Swing Trader - Alan Farley Electronic Swing Trading for Maximum Profit - Misha Sarkovich Misc. (I don't know if these fit any of your categories) Reminiscences of a Stock Operator - Edwin Lefevre Long-Term Secrets of Short-Term Trading - Larry Williams Stock Market Wizards: Interview's with America's Top Stock Traders - Jack Schwager Kirk
A couple I haven't seen listed yet are: Technical Analysis of Stock Trends - Edwards & Magee Trading With Oscillators - Mark Etzkorn
Baron, What about a technical analysis catagory? Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets-Murphy Technical Analysis Explained-Pring Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques-Nison Beyond Candlesticks-Nison Trader Vic-Victor Sperandeo
Ok money management /daytrading: Financial Freedom through Electronic Daytrading timing: Martin Zweig Winning on Wall Street not sure?: Market Wizards New Market Wizards Stock Market Wizards just plain good: The Art of War Sun Tzu trading mistakes people make I guess psychology: Mind Traps by Roland Barach money management: Trade your Way to financial Freedom swing trading: Tricks of The Floor Trader by Neal Weintrab technical analysis: Computer Analysis of the Futures Market Charles LeBeau not sure I guess money management: Trading Sex and Dying Daytrading/swing trading: Trading with The Odds Cynthia Case Position trading/ motivational: How I Made 2 Million Dollars in the Stock Market- N Darvas swing/day trading: Street Smarts By Laurence A. Connors, Linda B. Raschke. daytrading: Idiot's Guide to Daytrading stories: Traders Tales (interesting stories) psycchology: Zen in the Markets so many don't know how to classify: What I learned Losing 1 Million short term trading: Aerodynamic Trading all timeframes: It is when you sell that counts daytrading: Trading in the Zone all: Art of Short Selling Effective Short Selling Slightly off subject but still helped my trading more on psychology which I consider the most important category Peak Performance COurse Anthony Robbins Unlimited Power Books by Enid Vien Course in Miracles Nothing by Jimmy SLoman There is a start. I've got a lot more to recommend I'll post more when I get some time Thank Baron Robert Tharp
ok a few books I can't stand if it has the NAME WADE COOk for options Secrets of the SOes Bandit The Electronic Daytrader Compleat Daytrader Jake Berstein Potty Training for Traders (belongs in the bathroom) Timing the Market THe new Money Management Ralph Vince there is a lot more on book I believe aren't worth the paper printed on. Robert
Books for review (all excellent): SwingTrading - The Master Swing Trader (Alan Farley) DayTrading - The Nasdaq Trader's Toolkit (Rogan LaBier) The Undergroundtrader.com Guide to Electronic Trading (Jea Yu)