Boise ID looking for mentor

Discussion in 'Hook Up' started by Jeffare12, Oct 10, 2017.

  1. Jeffare12


    Hello I am looking for a mentor to teach me the ropes and maybe some other traders in my we can discuss and trade ideals . Thanks in advance
  2. Jack1960


    Why would someone take time to teach you?
    JesseJamesFinn1 and Hooter like this.
  3. maxinger


    I doubt anyone will teach u unless there is benefit in kind.

    Alternative is to go for courses.
    But then successful traders would't teach.

    So only way is to learn from unsuccessful traders who teach trading.
    Then you have to develop your own holy grail.
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  4. Jeffare12


    I don't expect for them to teach me on how to make millions over night haha .. I know I have to come up with my own strategies. But teach me how to read charts or patterns just want someone to teach me the bare bones stuff and fuck it if someone is willing to do that I will throw them a couple $100 bucks .. I don't expect to get rich . Just wanna make $200- 500 a day and i will be happy
  5. ET180


    Because it's easier to sell an unprofitable trading system vs. develop a profitable trading system.
    johnnyrock likes this.
  6. ET180


    $200 - $500 per day consistently is either really easy or really hard depending on how much capital you have to work with. Honestly though, nothing beats screen time. I'm sure I'll get some criticism for mentioning this because not everyone likes selling options, but if you are looking for a place to start, check out tastytrade.
  7. Jeffare12


    Planning on starting with $2000 will probably be slow earnings in the beginning but eventually I wanna get the 200-500 a day
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 11, 2017
  8. expiated


    Are you trading stocks or does it not really matter as long as you make money?
  9. Jeffare12


    What lol ? Yea I do some trading. As of right now I am positive $16 . Not much but I don't expect to start off big
  10. expiated


    Do some trading of what, stocks, Forex, etc?
    #10     Oct 11, 2017
    Hooter likes this.