Bloomberg on BSC Collapse - New

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by flytiger, Aug 11, 2008.

  1. Now. Let's look at Waterboys contribution to this thread:

    Boo hoo hoo!

    Ready to face reality yet or still living in denial?

    If you don't like it, DON'T PARTICIPATE! Market "regulation" has always been just smoke & mirrors to get the people to drop their guard and trust the same entities which are trying to get their money. BRILLIANT? NO? YOU CAN JUST FEEL THE EFFORT AND ANGST HE PUT IN TO DEVELOPING THIS POST.

    Really, what makes you believe that Wall Street owes you a leveled playing field? I'D SAY 'THE LAW', BUT I'M QUIRKY THAT WAY.

    You're the real moron and a laughing stock on the Street. Most ET members think you're quite the imbecile as well, only those who are naive, gullible or refuse to accept reality actually pay serious attention you.

    What battle are you winning? Really, your naked shorting whining got what done? Shake out the weak players and grant the naked shorting priviliege officially to the big boys? Wow amazing, good job there, Mr. Clueless. Your sh*tty companies are still sh*tty and will be going Bankrupt anyway.

    So STFU and go preach your nonsense & fairy tales somewhere else. You cry whether SEC does something or nothing, you cry when your Naked Shorting jihad gets attention while you cried before when it did not. At the end of the day, you're just a sad frustrated soul that can't bring himself to face reality and will, at any cost, try to hold on to this illussion of Wall Street being a happy playground where everyone is supernice, honorable, loyal, trustworthy and EVERYONE makes money in the markets. I'D SAY THE SHEAR VOLUME OF OPINIONS BY PITT, SHAPIRO, COX DECREE ON THE FINANCIALS, THE SENATE, THE CONGRESS, THE COMMITTEES - I'D SAY THAT IS PRETTY GOOD PROOF WE'RE WINNING.

    None, they don't exist. That's the game, either you accept it or you keep living in denial. NO, WHAT YOU DO IS STAND UP FOR WHAT IS RIGHT. AND IF YOU DON'T HAVE THE BACKBONE TO DO THAT, YOU COULD HAVE THE DECENCY TO , HOW DO YOU SAY, STFU.

    I don't know what rock you crawled from, but go back there. You stink the joint up with you ridiculous illogic and vitriole. It is you, my moronic minion, that is the laughing stock. For you have absolutely no self respect, and it shows. You are a very sad individual. But, you make my point for me. Whatever side you're on is the wrong one.
    #41     Aug 12, 2008
  2. Why don't you have a heart attack already and get it over with. Seriously, you are a joke and have no idea. You're laughed at all over.
    #42     Aug 13, 2008
  3. To expand on this.

    Flytiger, you know almost nothing about how Wall Street works, nor do you bother to learn. You know little of its history. This has been exposed several times already, yet you just go into denial. What are you, like 50 years old? And you just discovered that Wall Street is not sunday school? Hilarious.

    Did I mention you are a hypocrite as well? You cry about hedge funds who start naked shorting overpriced crap because the float is so constricted, yet you say NOTHING about the insiders of those companies who manipulate the outstanding float to squeeze legitimate short sellers.

    You cry about Bear Stearns, who had god knows how many skeletons in their closets, was writing fictional financial statements and had a ton of worthless mortgage paper. It was known on the street that at least one IB had to go, if not more. These are Investment Banks, not exactly benevolent entities, and that's the game of finance.

    Whatever, I already know your response. You're too dumb to even see how your whole jihad has been played by Wall Street into their favor.
    #43     Aug 13, 2008
  4. Not really at liberty to say, but l guess I'm a "pharmaceutical" distributor, lol.

    I mean, you don't trade commodities, bonds, equities - anything? [/B][/QUOTE]

    Not in any personal accounts. I'm focusing on tangible assets, a whole other conversation.
    #44     Aug 13, 2008
  5. Cutten


    So you think it's better if a stock remains inefficiently priced for longer?

    Either the short selling pushes the stock towards fair value or away from it. If the latter, then the shorts are simply vaporizing money. If the former, then it is best if it happens as quickly as possible.
    #45     Aug 17, 2008
  6. We've been thru this a million times. That's 999,999 too many.
    #46     Aug 17, 2008