Bloomberg: Emerging Markets Gain Record Share of World Equity

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by trade2live, Jul 3, 2009.

  1. 16 year old. At least the 16 year old doesnt have the life experience to lie as well as the 60 year old, so if something goes fishy, you can see it a mile away.
    #11     Jul 5, 2009
  2. why is it the future? These markets depend on the 60 year old markets to buy their products. How long would mexico, china, vietnam, etc. last, if the west got fed up with $2 a day workers and imposed serious tariffs to level the playing field?
    #12     Jul 5, 2009
  3. That is a 100% bullshit myth grown out of a stereotype. This may have been the case 10-20 years ago but times have changed... BIG TIME!
    #13     Jul 6, 2009
  4. Even older countries/systems doesn't necessarily die... this is where your analogy breaks down.

    Also, you are assuming that one HAS to invest.
    #14     Jul 6, 2009
  5. bespoke


    have you lived in asia recently? probably not

    have i? yes. have i been part of the school system here? yes.

    thank you, come again
    #15     Jul 8, 2009
  6. bukkan


    i said the future and not the present. 60 years old guy is the present and not the future.

    look at the ads dear. from toothpaste to flushy cars all targeted at youth. although most of the products are household items or not used by them (they cannot afford that).

    how long they will last. 2012. not me but thats what the mayan has to say. after that bang.
    #16     Jul 8, 2009
  7. bukkan


    ofcourse countries does not die. what dies is the system. hadnt we seen it before (the soviet dream for example).

    only change is constant.
    #17     Jul 8, 2009