Bloody Chicago - 7 Shot Dead In One Day

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. The only "gun running" going on in Chicago is between negro gangs.

    Maybe if black men actually raised their children instead of breeding like wild animlas and abandoning their offspring, stuff like this wouldn't happen.

    Family values are non existant in black communities (So are community pride and work ethic, but that is for another thread.)
    #11     May 1, 2013
  2. pspr


    OK, let's not be dissing wild animals. Most of them are very protective of their offspring.
    #12     May 1, 2013

  3. They(the breeding hood rats) actually make jokes about having offspring from hell scattered all over town. And people just can't understand what went wrong.
    #13     May 1, 2013