Blood In The Streets

Discussion in 'Economics' started by panzerman, Feb 5, 2016.

  1. panzerman


    This thread is premised from the famous Rothschild quote. I intend it to be taken both literally and in an economic sense. My own preference would be to stick with previously known locations with capitalistic democracies, but I'm am not limiting this thread to them. Also, my own preference is to invest when the blood is done being spilled or is fairly certain to be done being spilled within the next 12 months. War profiteering is also not my thing.

    An example of where I would not put money to work currently is Syria. An historic example of what would I personally point to was the United States in 2008/2009 because of the "economic blood" spilled at that time.

    Where in the world would you currently consider there to be "blood in the streets" and a good time to invest fairly heavily?
  2. %%
    I heard that quote first on WSW[wall street week];
    actually what i think of is not so much blood, even though that can happen. But i use blood red candlecharts, for sell , green or blue for buy.IBD likes blue for buy[barcharts] US is a rep republic, so US is quite satisfactory...................................................................Mr Rothschild has a good book named ''Bear Book''
  3. many of the principles I adhere to today were first heard on WSW. The only lifeline for us normal people. Once a week on PBS.
  4. K-Pia


    I think that a good proxy for "blood in the street" is volatility.
    To buy the S&P, for example, every time the vix reach a targeted level.
  5. londonkid

