Blacks have NAACP, do whites have a lobbying group on their behalf?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, Apr 7, 2014.

  1. Black people have a strong political lobbying group NAACP, Why is it that white people do not have a political lobbying group that is representing their interests?
  2. Ricter


    Because "whites" are a socioeconomic majority already.
  3. stoic


    They also have:

    Association of Black Cardiologist
    Association of Black Charities
    Association of Black Foundation Executives
    Association of Black Psychologist
    Association of Black Sociologist
    National Association of Black Accountants
    National Association of Black Journalists
    American Association of Blacks in Higher Education
    Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals
    National Association of Black Storytellers
    National Organization of Black Law Enforcement
    BDPA Open to African Americans in data processing and related fields.
    National Association of African Americans in Human Resources
    National Black Business Trade Association
    National Black MBA Association
    National Association of African American Sales Network
    Organization of Black Designers
    American Association of Blacks in Energy
    National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers

    National Society of Black Engineers
    National Society of Black Physicists
    Blacks in Government
    National Black Nurses Association
    National Black Medical Association
    National Association of Blacks in Criminal Justice
    National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives
    National Association of Black Journalists

    .... and I'm sure there are more I didn't find...... not to mention all the Hispanic only organizations...

    To answer to your question, if one was to start the Association of white (add whatever) or the National white "______________"

    you'd find Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and an entourage from the Rainbow Coalition camped outside your door screaming racist.
  4. There's the black knockout game club. Shouldn't forget that one.
  5. Ricter


    "Whites" have it rough.
  6. We have the tea-group, representing everything for us.
  7. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    Can't you go one day without being a jackass? Just one day.

    The Tea Party has many people from all ethnicities. It is not a racial group, but a political one.
  8. Lucrum


    + 3,756
  9. LEAPup


    The Tea Party group I'm involved with has numerous blacks, and numerous hispanics. Several black females like to dress up in the colonial outfits, and take to the streets with signs.

  10. He asked for a political group , you prick.
    #10     Apr 7, 2014