Blackjack player beats 3 Atlantic City Casinos for $15.1M

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by pcp198, Jun 6, 2011.

  1. Ok that would make a lot more sense for the casino, on a per session basis rather then a per bet basis.
    #31     Jun 6, 2011
  2. Why should we assume that wikipedia is correct? What are the assumptions for their calculations? I happened to believe that the house edge is an order of magnitude larger.

    Is card counting taken into account in calculating the edge? What is the real edge of a casino against a large number of players who are counting cards? What about if dealers are chosen so that they can count cards? What about if the casino employs players who count cards?

    Disclosure: I have only played blackjack once in my life and decided that unless I had a psychic next to me I could not make money.
    #32     Jun 6, 2011
  3. 5% or more? who would play blackjack then?
    #33     Jun 6, 2011
  4. wikipedia is correct. this is the result of 100's of thousands of computer simulations using basic strategy. The house/casino knows that very few players can sustain a play based on bj basic strategy.

    black jack is one casino game where you can actually come out ahead. even if you break even, with comps, free meals, rooms etc that is.

    Most casino's use 6 decks and shuffle after every hand. not sure how he won. maybe he is psychic!
    #34     Jun 6, 2011
  5. You should know the answer. Those that read wikipedia and believe it.:)

    Anyhow, why do people play slot machines. Or even roulette? You are shifting the focus here. I think the edge is one order of magnitide higher because of ways casino can employ to enhance it without you ever knowing it.
    #35     Jun 6, 2011
  6. Slot machines are typically programmed to pay out as winnings 82% to 98% of the money that is wagered by players

    blackjack must have better odds because it is a "smart" game.

    the existence of 15M winner indicates that casinos may not have additional "hidden" edges.
    #36     Jun 6, 2011
  7. You don't go to AC to count cards even with a computer. He's not counting and it would be superfluous due to turnover. I know a guy who has seen him play and he's a pure marti-player. Obviously he ran really good.
    #37     Jun 6, 2011
  8. Daal


    How does he know?If the casinos can't spot what he was doing your friend certainly wouldn't. He is 'the chief executive officer of Heritage Development LLC, a Wyoming-based company that uses computer-assisted wagering programs for horseracing'. He doesn't sound all that dumb
    #38     Jun 6, 2011
  9. Daal


    Also if that's all he was doing the casinos would not have banned him, their expert teams seem to disagree with your friend
    #39     Jun 6, 2011
  10. This makes total sense.....he won through money management strategy.
    #40     Jun 6, 2011