Black Panther leader states intention to initiate physical conflict with Tea Party

Discussion in 'Politics' started by phenomena, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. BSAM


    I like some things about Glenn Beck.

    Sarah Palin is a dope.
    #11     Jul 24, 2010
  2. I agree. However, I feel like they are both essentially neocons/ just-add-water republicans. Neither one of them are actual libertarians or classic liberals. They are both just sort of exploiting the tea party movement for their own promotion and repackaging it in their own image.

    Like someone around here, I can't recall who, they are neocons in Libertarian drag.

    #12     Jul 24, 2010
  3. Larson

    Larson Guest

    Not going to happen. Ron Paul runs as a Republican and if for some freak occurence gets elected in the land of brain-dead sheep electorate, the scenario you lay out is unlikely even with Paul. US has been under a state of emergency since 911, when the Constitution was shredded under guise of the Patriot Act. Electorate will have to get fed up and who knows, things could change quickly. Until then, it is a march toward tyranny, as you say.
    #13     Jul 24, 2010
  4. maxpi


    Don't register to vote. That way you don't have to worry about politics and you won't get jury duty.
    #14     Jul 24, 2010
  5. BSAM


    Exactly. Besides, either way you vote the government still wins.
    #15     Jul 24, 2010
  6. achilles28


    Honestly, I'm not so sure Paul would lay down to carpetbaggers. He knows far more than he lets on. I think he'd open the books. In doing so, a ton of establishment scum would get hung out to dry. And rightly so. But yea, it's a long shot. Then again, the anti-establishment Tea Party message is hugely popular. It's that grassroots revolt that's got them scared. The real threat isn't a Paul or victory in 2012. It's the gaining momentum of real Constitutional independents taking back the House and Senate. The more patriots we've got on the inside - real Americans who's fealty can't be bought off - the more systemic corruption gets exposed. That fuels more outrage and more independents voted in. It's the snowball effect the establishment is terrified of. They can't have it. There's over half a century of Congress axing the Constitution, scaring up wars for profit, raping the taxpayer, and selling out America to lobbyists and bankers. If things are this bad on just the surface, can you imagine what's hidden underneath? In the classified annals of the Pentagon, CIA, State Dept etc? They can't let it see the light of day.
    #16     Jul 25, 2010
  7. What's the bet that if the black panthers come and start a physical confict with the tea party that the MSM will spin it into the panters somehow being benign or at least underplay their premeditated violent intentions and focusing on the racism accusations against the tea party.
    #17     Jul 25, 2010
  8. You beat me to it. I can see the headlines: "Tea party rally turns violent."

    "Teapartiers brawl with black protestors"

    You can bet that the same liberal urban police forces that use kid gloves with leftwing mobs will come down hard on the Tea Party. Expect all kinds of bogus charges that are fully prosecuted, kind of like with the abortion protests with burly cops pepper spraying handcuffed grannies.
    #18     Jul 25, 2010
  9. Yeah, then when the panthers get their asses kicked in the fight they started it will read: "Black civil rights activists brutally assaulted by white supremacist tea party members"

    #19     Jul 25, 2010