Bitcoin is now predicted to go to 10M within 10 years...

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by Trader Curt, Mar 25, 2022.

  1. Trader Curt

    Trader Curt

    Tokenz, Jonavelle and johnarb like this.
  2. maxinger


    upload_2022-3-25_13-11-18.jpeg upload_2022-3-25_13-11-33.jpeg
  3. S2007S


    Ummmm yeppppp.

    Got it.

    Jonavelle likes this.
  4. I sometimes wish these shitty predictions to happen so they can shut the f*ck up and do something else. How many times have they said some rubbish like that?

    If you made 10 millions on a coin is because someone else gave it to you. Now people of the internet, I am talking to all of you, raise your hand if you are willing to pay 10 m for a shitty coin. Not everyone at once, please, respect your turn.
    322170, jl1575, M.W. and 3 others like this.
  5. Zwaen


    I heard btc will be worth the last 8 figures in pi in 3 years and 7 weeks
  6. virtusa


    The article was from 2018, so we lost already 4 years of these 10 years. I suppose that the move up should go dramatically faster in the remaining 6 years. Let's do some math because that's always interesting as we can check reality with predictions:

    LINE1: prices and predictions for 2018 and the same day 10 years later. BTC was in 2018 around 8500$. Watch the average compounded rate of return that should be generate DAILY, WEEKLY and MONTHLY to reach the target.

    LINE2: What was the result after the first 4 years, so 40% of the period already past: BTC is today around 44000$. Due to the underperformance of the first 4 years, the compounded rate of return for the remaining period should increase around 29% to still reach the target.

    LINE3: What did in REALITY happen? What was the real return for the first 4 years? The compounded rates of return are all 42% lower than needed for the prediction to become reality. So in the first 4 years they were dramatically behind and had difficulties to even get close to 50% of the needed compounded rates of return. The actual returns should DOUBLE for the remaining years to reach the target.

    Last edited: Mar 25, 2022
    zghorner and guest_trader_1 like this.
  7. Oh no, documented calculations of actual performance.

    Bitcoiners don't like that.
    ElCubano and virtusa like this.
  8. RedDuke


    I say a cool billion is possible why not.
    Trader Curt, johnarb and Nobert like this.
  9. Ed48


    BTC could well go up 1000% at some point in the future. It just might need to crash by 80% beforehand. :D

    Joking aside, it's clear from eyeballing the chart that the growth is not as spectacular as it once was. Which is kind of what you'd expect. Because of it's size (mkt cap), it takes an awful lot more money to move it now.
    johnarb likes this.
  10. newwurldmn


    I agree. Bitcoin will be 10,000 by 2028.
    #10     Mar 25, 2022
    M.W. likes this.