Bitcoin Is Better Than Gold For One Simple Reason

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by johnarb, Nov 5, 2019.

  1. Sprout


    For further research into S2F valuation model:

    #51     Nov 9, 2019
    johnarb likes this.
  2. Sprout


    Crypto as a class. Each new crypto vying for market share could be perceived as a dilution event for BTC.

    Any particular crypto could software define it's total stock, but as altcoin speculators like to promote; any perceived weakness of BTC as an opportunity that their particular copy (and improvement) of BTC will solve.

    With that taken into account, there will not be another crypto that will enjoy the same network effect and first mover status as BTC nor be as decentralized with the same equitable initial distribution.

    As for innovation, despite the active mis-information campaign, all roads lead to Bitcoin.
    #52     Nov 9, 2019
  3. johnarb


    You'll need more than a "few" or "some", and you'll have to crash all planes, trains and automobiles in the process, not to mention halt all bank/retail/stock markets that rely on computer systems, but hey, as long as you get your way and reset bitcoin, more power to you.
    #53     Nov 9, 2019
  4. Kinda funny when you think about it. Spend a lot of money to dig gold out of the ground then sell it to people who bury it back into the ground.:D
    #54     Nov 9, 2019
    johnarb likes this.
  5. Sprout


    Something that could use some clarifying with this graphic - it states that US has more BTC nodes than China when the sentiment is that China has most of the mining. Is there a graphic of nodes vs mining?
    #55     Nov 9, 2019
  6. johnarb


    Full nodes. A full copy of the blockchain. I have a bitcoin node at home running 24/7/365 for a few years and I haven't mined since 2013. As they say, if you don't run a full node, you're relying on someone else.

    Running a full bitcoin node, means you have a copy of the truth. Having said all of that, I run Electrum bitcoin light-wallet for most of my bitcoin transactions :D
    #56     Nov 9, 2019

  7. Those days have been over for some time now. It is now like trying to counterfeit US Currency.
    #57     Nov 9, 2019
  8. Sprout


    I was thinking of spinning up a rpi based full node soon. Does having it run continuously consume a lot of bandwidth?

    On a different topic, have you any experience with the lighting network atop BTC's base layer?
    #58     Nov 9, 2019
  9. It obviously does not have any odor so that should give it great value :D
    #59     Nov 9, 2019
  10. johnarb


    A full bitcoin node does consume a lot of bandwidth, although, can't say if a monero node consumes more based on observation. I run 3 nodes on my NUC, monero, bitcoin, Tezos (as I'm a baker - miner but PoS). I exceed 1TB of monthly data, good thing my internet is not capped.

    Sorry, I have no interest in running lightning, as I'm not a bitcoin hodler myself. Also, not sure if an rpi is capable of running a full bitcoin node, bitcoin blockchain is 300GB right now and validating block updates does take a lot of computing, my NUC is core i5 with 16GB of RAM and SSD which is why I can run all 3 coin nodes.
    #60     Nov 9, 2019
    Sprout likes this.