Birther lawyer Taitz slapped with $20,000 sanction

Discussion in 'Politics' started by tmarket, Oct 13, 2009.

  1. Lucrum


    Not a "thumper" myself but your question reminded me of two educated guys I've known. The first has a Ph.D in archeology.
    It was widely acknowledged by virtually everyone that knew him that he barely had the sense to come in out of the rain.
    Fortunately for him he inherited money.
    Otherwise he'd probably be working at Walmart, in a managerial position I'm sure. (he was a social liberal as well)

    The other, my uncle who died recently. He had a Ph.D in chemistry. He was not the least bit religious. Many years ago he made a comment I still remember. Paraphrasing, he said something to the effect that anyone who believes life evolved the way the theory of evolution suggests is a GD idiot. (His words not mine) ( he happen to be fairly conservative btw)
    #51     Oct 15, 2009
  2. yes but science weeds out those guys. if they proposed any new ideas peer review by other scientists would force them to prove their case.

    look at it another way. if any scientist could come up with any evidence that refuted the toe he would isntantly become world famous. why do you think it is that none ever has?
    #52     Oct 15, 2009
  3. The resident ET Clown Speaks!
    #53     Oct 15, 2009
  4. jem


    Regardless of what SFBC means it is a simple test of logic.

    notice no one challenged it.

    You have asked the important question. Is it possible to have a Hawaiian birth certificate without reliable proof of having been born there or being a natural born citizen?

    The answer is yes.
    Do the research.
    And now you understand why I state that only dopes say they know whether Obama is a natural born U.S. citizen or not.
    #54     Oct 16, 2009
  5. jem


    The answer is the TOE is evolving to fit the science. It is a theory. It used to be that many people said evolution happened through random chance. Now we see many Scientists speak of guided evolution not random chance. Why - I suspect it part it is because the anti TOE people argued that there was not enough time for all this to happen randomly.

    Caveat - I am not arguing against the existence of some form of evolution. Depending on how you define it, it seems some definitions of evolution are virtually a fact.

    I also state the bible does not support the inference the universe is only 6000 years old. So there is a very strong chance we had plenty of time for evolution to happen. Especially if time or light has not been a constant.

    I also note that some very serious and Noble prize winning scientists state that our universe does appear finely tuned.

    In short it is not inconsistent with science to believe there could have been a Creator and that the Creator allowed evolution to happen.

    It is also not inconsistent to believe that evolution is a fact and at the same time believe in God. Many scientists do go to Church and believe in God. Even some atheists (with science awards) have noted the universe appears finely tuned.
    #55     Oct 16, 2009
  6. stu


    For Creationists, understanding evolution depends on defining it as something it is not.

    Evolution is a fact. The exact mechanisms of it are incomplete facts which means evolution is also scientific theory.

    It is inconsistent. It is not science nor scientific. It is not to do with evolution. That's more about blind speculations on origin of life/beginnings, not origins of species - which is evolution.

    The earth also appears flat. (it isn't btw).

    Like God , and as evolution is to creationists, there is no way anyone could prove to 'birthers' Obama’s US nationality existed or was a fact.
    Whatever is shown or said, in proof or testimony or confirmation, all the protocols have been avoided and all officials concerned who have attested are lying and are probably evil scientists anyway, and every Republican, except for perhaps one who always wears his foil hat in bed, has been silenced into submission by alien Intelligent Design.
    #56     Oct 16, 2009
  7. dsq


    do you have your original bc?
    do you know that hawaii is in USA?
    His birth was published in the local paper?How do you explain that,numbnutz?MAybe Rahm Emanuel went back in time in a time machine supplied by some islamo-fascist taliban group to 1962 and placed the birth announcement in the local paper?
    Back to faux news for ya???Whens the next t-bag party?...Douchebag.
    #57     Oct 16, 2009
  8. We are well aware of what lengths you will go to to distort evidence and logic to make it fit your book of tales.
    the question i am still waiting for you to answer why you demand additional detailed proof for obama even after most experts have concluded its true and yet you will believe every farfetched tale in the bible without any evidence at all?
    #58     Oct 16, 2009
  9. jem


    Try reading the news. It turns out those birth announcements were fabricated by an Obamaloooooooon.

    Embarrassed now or are you and Obamaloon too.
    #59     Oct 16, 2009
  10. You claim to be a facts guy (LOL!!!).

    So what "fact" would convince you unequivocally that Obama is president by all and any measures?

    #60     Oct 16, 2009