Bin Laden deserves our compassion

Discussion in 'Politics' started by hapaboy, May 1, 2003.

  1. It's so entertaining to watch the liberals resort to name calling when they can't prove their tired points.
    #21     May 2, 2003
  2. I think you will find that conservatives are just as guilty of that practice.

    Heck, even middle of the roaders will resort to flaming tactics when they lack the ability to debate in a normal manner.
    #22     May 2, 2003
  3. You epitomize that statement perfectly.
    #23     May 2, 2003
  4. Is it not funny, that in a "Christian" society, so many are vengeful and unforgiving in their nature and spirit?

    Not only is there no compassion, there is a certain "joy" in the act of punishment, a feeling of self righteousness in exacting justice.

    While punishment is certainly necessary as a corrective process, those who take joy in the deaths of others, even the enemy, have a warped humanity.
    #24     May 2, 2003
  5. That Babak has deleted posts doesn't really matter.

    Optional has not (nor will he be) been able to defend his hypocrisy, and dgabriel continues to show he's Op's lapdog incapable of independent thought.

    Beavis & Butthead, Floyd and Harry. The Dynamic Duo marches on! :D

    #25     May 2, 2003
  6. Send OBL here where I live (Texas) and we'll take care of him.

    #26     May 2, 2003
  7. You need to stand in line, dougcs. Hope you voted, by the way. Heh-heh, only 2 votes against. Hmmm, wonder who those belong to?

    New Yorkers should get first dibs - except dGAB. He'd be watching like a hawk to make sure noone hurt OBL's feelings. Might affect his rehabilitation process, ya know, and we can't have that.
    #27     May 2, 2003
  8. personally, i think that OBL may find it informative to be locked in a tall building which has been set on fire...the building would have at least 100 stories, and there would be one way out through the basement. he may not jump out windows, and there is only one stairway that will go all the way down to the basement, but he would not be told which one.

    that would be the punishment that i would give him if it were up to me...

    but one thing that i would love to see is to have OBL get asked what he thinks his punishment should be.
    #28     May 2, 2003
  9. Pouf pouf pouf as many dictators they will be one day declared to be dead or disappeared whereas with a chirurgical operation that's a new man haha ! Like the nazis that were hired after WWII they have been servitors of CIA and CIA won't kill their servitors except in appearance for next servitors won't serve them wharf wharf ! What a farce CIA is just a continuation of Nazi scientific experimentation like the MK Ultra project and permanent war and state police. They have perfected their mass propaganda method so that I begin to ask myself what's the difference with Scientology !

    #29     May 2, 2003
  10. :confused: :confused: :confused:
    #30     May 2, 2003