Bill Maher - funny stuff

Discussion in 'Politics' started by newtoet, Nov 9, 2008.

  1. Oh ...P...don't forget he'll institute a draft in the first six-months in office too

    I still have that gem saved.


    #11     Nov 9, 2008
  2. Don't kid yourself. You're delusional if you don't see bad economies bringing on heavy shit. Obama would RATHER WAR IN PAKISTAN than deal with this economy. A lot of other folks would like to be warring too. The world is on HIGH ALERT for war we haven't seen in our lifetimes.
    If you think Obama or Congress will allow a violently virile generation of unemployed males to roam the streets of L.A. and Atlanta you're crazy. I say we're going to war and we're going to war big. It'll be sold as the "real war on terror". The economic hail Mary when unemployment crosses the crisis zone of 8%.

    Obama HAS NO CORE. He's not a war monger, he's not an appeaser but he's an expert manipulator of sentiment. All one needs to do is read the approved by the left sentiment on his national service plan to see that pro-draft consensus could be sold by Obama to this electorate in a nano-second.

    You're getting naive in IV. What's a typical Obama anti-war statement? "I will end the war in Iraq where it is detracting from the real war on terror in Afghanistan. I will redeploy some of those troops to Afghanistan. If Pakistan won't root out al-Qaeda I will. George Bush is using the plan I talked about 4 years ago and was criticized over." Yea real man of Peace.......
    #12     Nov 10, 2008
  3. balda


    How much longer you are going to kiss McCain's ass? McCain is a LOSER and that makes you a ......
    No wander you cannot trade.
    #13     Nov 10, 2008
  4. P,

    …He is both black…and white, Christian…and Muslin, Land Mammal…and Sea Creature…

    He is the One...He completes us.

    <embed FlashVars='videoId=183509' src='' quality='high' bgcolor='#cccccc' width='332' height='316' name='comedy_central_player' align='middle' allowScriptAccess='always' allownetworking='external' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' pluginspage=''></embed>
    #14     Nov 10, 2008
  5. Every politician makes mistakes. This Republicans are going to be following this President around with a scanning electron microscope, just waiting for anything they can claim is an error.

    Will it not be enjoyable to watch them start to bray and bellow when it happens? They'll be screaming 'I told you so' with the veins popping out of their McDonald's-fattened necks. Their disease will allow them to either honestly forget or willfully ignore the last 8 years, which will go down in history as America's darkest days in the modern era, and arguably ever.

    I think I saw maybe two of these right-wing whack-jobs publicly admit that the idiotic claims that McCain was closing the gap in the final days were the equivalent of a child with chocolate chip smeared all over his face claiming that he didn't raid the cookie jar.
    #15     Nov 10, 2008

  6. Your talking out your behind, pabst, while i have no doubt he will fall into the shoes of "war president" by default, your clutching at emotional straws, he doesn't give a fuck about jihadis, they have always been a minor threat.
    Pakistan, well you gotta be joking, the pakistan gov has done there best to bomb the fuck out of the rebel elements in the bordering mountains for years, yet here you are saying Obama WILL escalate the border tension of pakistan/afghan regions, doing what, you expect him to keep a vague, meaningless election promise?

    Doubtfull, though i thoroughly expect he will turn out to be a standardised neo-con Potus.
    #16     Nov 10, 2008
  7. Why don't you try to get on his show, after all you were almost a politician / celebrity and soon to be trading guru.
    Smart money bets your arguments couldn't hang, he'd take your lunch money and send you home crying. Rhetorically speaking of course.
    #17     Nov 10, 2008
  8. Good post big arrow. I'ed love to see that.:D
    #18     Nov 10, 2008
  9. Nobody will ever accuse past insanity of being a gracious loser...
    #19     Nov 10, 2008
  10. Cutten


    Bill Maher - smart, funny, rich libertarian (kind of) who bones 20something strippers and slags off marriage, 2.4 kids, neocons, religion, and the whole white picket fence thing. Top guy.

    Oh and if Obama goes neocon or FDR, he will slag him off too - you can bet on that.
    #20     Nov 11, 2008