Bill Maher clip, enjoy.

Discussion in 'Politics' started by bigarrow, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. Lucrum


    Bill Maher: Tea Partiers Would Love Obama Bringing Congress in on Syria...If He Weren't Black

    Read more:

    The ignorance on display here is astonishing - even for Maher.

    First, it's quite likely most Tea Partiers are pleased that Obama has decided to get Congressional oversight concerning Syria.

    Claiming they won't because he's black suggests the segment of America most engaged in politics is more interested in the color of the current White House resident's skin than the Constitution and the future of the nation.

    It's certainly not surprising Maher would be so clueless about what this movement is about.

    Yet also ignorant was the suggestion that Obama has somehow restored the Constitution.

    As conservative talk radio host and best-selling author Mark Levin points out almost on a daily basis, there's likely been no American president that has so brazenly stepped on the Constitution than Obama.

    From deciding which laws his justice department is going to prosecute to which portions of ObamaCare will be implemented - and who gets exempted by a wave of his magic wand! - the current White House resident clearly has little concern for the founding governing document of our great land.

    As it pertains to "war powers," Obama certainly didn't seek Congress's approval to bomb Libya in 2011; his drone program has little to no Congressional oversight.

    Maybe more importantly, the only reasons Obama decided to bring Syria before Congress are England's refusal to join us and the overwhelming majority of Americans opposing an attack.

    As such, there's absolutely nothing accurate in Maher's comment - not one single word of it.

    You really have to be an idiot to not get anything right in 140 characters.

    Kudos, Billy! We knew your ignorance had no limits!
    #21     Sep 2, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    <iframe title="MRC TV video player" width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    Boy, that Bill Maher sure is smart, isn't he?

    On HBO's Real Time Friday, the holier than thou host introduced guest Billy Crystal as "a comedy legend who has starred in such hits as 'When Harry Met Salary'"

    When Crystal came out, he immediately went after Maher saying, "When Harry Met Salary?"

    Yes, played by that fabulous actress Meg Reiner.

    Maher and the crowd laughed leading Crystal to add, "You know what I think it is? I think there's a ghost of Mike Douglas lurking these hallways."
    #22     Sep 21, 2013
  3. Ann Coulter is Supremely Stupid

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    #23     Oct 4, 2013
  4. Lucrum


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    #24     Oct 4, 2013
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    #25     Oct 5, 2013
  6. Lucrum


    #26     Oct 5, 2013
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    #27     Oct 20, 2013
  8. Max E.

    Max E.

    Got to give credit to maher on this one, he is less shameless than cartoon figure wasserman-schultz while talking about the numerous lies from the obama admin about obamacare.

    Maher finishes by saying obama took 716 billion dollars out of medicare that was basically just lying around,( like a couple quarters in your change cup,) and schultz finished by saying that obama taking 716 billion dollars OUT OF MEDICARE would add YEARS OF SOLVENCY to the program.

    How is it that the party of stupid can get away with this kind of nonsense without ever being called on it by the public?

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    Maher Battles Wasserman-Schultz Over Obamacare: Obama Clearly Lied, His ‘No New Taxes’ Moment

    Bill Maher has no qualms about saying that President Obama clearly lied about people being able to keep their health care plans if they liked them, and clashed with DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz over exactly how significant that lie was to the health care debate and whether Obamacare would have been passed in the first place without it.

    Maher wondered if Obamacare had been passed in the first place if he was more honest about insurance plans. Wasserman-Schultz insisted “it was not a lie,” but Maher shot back, “Because of Obamacare, they are not able to keep [insurance plans]. To me, that is a lie.”

    Rob Reiner jumped in to blame Republicans who are “refusing to make this better,” and Wasserman-Schultz reminded Maher that they hate Obamacare so much, they shut down the government.

    Maher said this was Obama’s “no new taxes” moment, “a campaign pledge that didn’t hold up to the complexities of governing.” When Wasserman-Schultz stood firm, Maher told her that “the ship has sailed” on Obama’s credibility and taken a blow to his “sterling reputation for honesty.”

    Watch the video below, via HBO:
    #28     Nov 2, 2013
  9. There are limits, even for Maher. One has to completely suspend reality, deny what you're seeing with your own eyes, hearing with your own ears, to get to the Wasserman-Schultz point of view.
    Facts and absolute truth just can't get in the way of leftist ideology. You can have a guy on video saying, you can keep your own plan if you like it, period. Doesn't matter. No one from the left ran out an hour later, a day later, a week later, a month later and said, well, that's not quite true. No one pointed out the fine print until the cancellation notices started coming out. None of that matters in the mind of the starry eyed leftist. Pushing the agenda is all that matters, and if you have to misrepresent facts, mislead and outright lie to push that agenda, that is what you do. Wasserman-Schultz is a good leftist soldier doing what good leftist soldiers do. They look straight into the camera and deny reality.
    #29     Nov 2, 2013
  10. Lucrum


    Very well stated.
    #30     Nov 2, 2013