Bill Gates not really in the top 1%

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Ricter, Apr 9, 2011.

  1. "Yes, I am biased."

    You seem quite proud of that.

    You think that being biased is the way to discover the truth?

    I've stated my policy many times.

    1. Energy independence is the number 1 priority. Being energy independent changes our foreign policy dramatically, provides jobs to America and Americans. It makes energy affordable, which is important to our national security and well being. Subsidize alternative and clean energy with the money being used not to grow crops. There is sufficient world wide demand, and prices are high enough to end this madness of paying farmers not to grow food. Stop the stupidity of ethanol and focus on bio fuels. Convert all government vehicles to natural gas instead of crude oil. Put solar panels on the roof of all government buildings, including the White House, etc.

    2. Cut the military budget by 50%. We are no longer fighting a cold war with communism/Russia/China, so we don't need the buildup. Bring troops stationed around the world back the USA, put them on the border do keep our borders secure, and have the defense contractors build electric cars and implement technology to help in the push to be energy independent.

    3. Make English the only language in America. No push 2 for Spanish. If you live in America, learn our language.

    4. Single payer option for health care. Repeal Obamacare, and have a non profit single payer system.

    5. Increase taxes for those who can afford it to help pay down our debt.

    6. Make flying displaying the Confederate flag a crime punishable by serous hard time in prison.

    7. Legalize drugs, and control them. (This is not a libertarian stance, but rather a purely practical one. As long as someone of age can go and buy as much booze as they want and drink themselves to death, there is no reason to drugs should be illegal).

    8. Allow homosexual marriage, it is a non starter for anyone who is secure in their sexuality.

    9. Overturn the laws prohibiting unionization of workers.

    10. Have a national TV channel that does nothing but teach viewers how to spot fallacious arguments. Teach critical thinking.

    11. Stop the teaching of mindless evolution in public schools. Children need to learn how to think, not what to think. Let children have a framework in critical thinking before introducing atheistic or theistic ideology, or right wing or left wing politics. Ideological topics are available beyond public schools.

    12. End the funding of political candidates by corporations, churches, or any organized group. I would limit campaign spending dramatically, but have a TV channel funded by the government that allows candidates to appear, but have a panel of non partisan critical thinkers ask them questions, make them appear without a script or teleprompters, then have reviews of their comments by the panel of critical thinkers who are non partisan and do nothing but reveal the logical fallacy in their rhetoric.

    13. Regulate industry properly for the good of all citizens.

    14. Investigate the financial collapse on Wall Street and banks, and send the crooks we find to do hard time.

    15. End white collar prisons. One type of prisons for all criminals.

    16. No amnesty for illegals, but a path that requires they commit to several years of public service to rebuild our infrastructure, i.e. roads, bridges, etc. Get them into the system paying taxes, buying goods and services here. No working here and sending money to another economy.

    17. Make India our number one ally. China is our greatest threat, and India is on their border. On the other border is Pakistan, who is potentially a tremendous threat because of their unstable situation. India is key to maintaining a western presence in that area.

    18. Stop the funding of Israel. They can take care of themselves, and there is enough wealth in among the Jews of the world to take care of Israel. I don't want to be blindly supporting any state that is a religious state. I don't care if they are a Christian state, a Jewish state, etc.

    19. Stop the sales of weapons by the US. It is time we stopped this madness. It is as wrong to sell weapons is it is to sell illegal drugs.

    20. Cut taxes for industry, but demand that they increase wages with the savings. It is a tradeoff. Get them here, but make them pay to genuinely act like Americans.

    21. Establish the principle that greed is not good.

    Just a few positions. There are more that I have argued in favor of previously.

    #31     Apr 9, 2011
  2. The best way to fix it is to

    1. Maximize wealth tax
    2. Minimize income tax
    #32     Apr 10, 2011
  3. I agree with all 21 points
    #33     Apr 10, 2011
  4. ammo


    none of these changes are possible with our 2 party system (dems and repubs are actually one party)government is rife with liars and thieves...we need to shrink,obliterate present form of government and the role of the fed reserve
    #34     Apr 10, 2011
  5. Organized crime has evolved to become institutionalized crime. That and since the demise of colonialism and the benefits, that
    fresh new liquidity brought to industrialized nations, opportunities lie in turning inwards and redistributions and transfers of wealth more than creating it anew. The new motherlode is centralized at the Fed more than the hills.

    #35     Apr 10, 2011