Bill Gates AMA about Coronavirus on Reddit

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Daal, Mar 19, 2020.

  1. Daal


    Last edited: Mar 19, 2020
    Sprout likes this.
  2. Turveyd


    Pretty sure I've had it, mates have it currently, for most of us it's a mild cold and a bad cough, just chest pains and 1 night melting for me

    The hysteria about it is doing wayyyy more damage, self isolate old and unwell and business as always for me.

    Agree with Musk! Everyone carry on working.
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  3. S2007S


    I said that since day one, mass hysteria.

    Musk was taking heat for that one but hes the only one that has been very chill about the whole thing.
    Turveyd and nooby_mcnoob like this.
  4. Daal


    Its not hysteria, the death rate can increase based on the number of people infected. It might be 2% at low infection numbers but it can skyrocket at higher numbers. If 1M are infected, then people will be dying on the streets, literally. Not to mention the people ill for OTHER REASONs that will die due lack of hospitals, beds, ICUs, etc. This would all pretty much ensure a depression and Tesla going out of business, so Musk should shutup
    Pekelo likes this.
  5. Turveyd


    Still going to kill a lot of old and unwell people, but simple solution to that, the figures out of China look worse, cause it's not including all the mild symptons like I had and others I'm seeing, only the hospitalised cases which are all the old and unwell people pretty much.

    Likely find, 90% of the population despite the lock down in China has had it and most didn't even realise, fell slightly odd for a few days and that's it.

    It's the shit the mass hysteria causes which is the real issue as you can see, entire world shutting down, when all you have to do it lock away the old, then realease them in stages when hospitals are able to cope with them.
    nooby_mcnoob likes this.
  6. Turveyd


    To 98% of us, the virus is a minor inconvenience nothing more, don't shut down the world to protect 2%, let them protect themselves by isolating themselves.

    This is likely 3 X's normal Flu, so 0.3% death rate, if you allow for the 98% won't really care they've got it it's that mild, so aren't adding to the figures.

    Musk for the Win, intelligent lad, Gates not so intelligent, just right place, right time.
  7. Daal


    You are out of your mind, Gates has been in this field for over a decade. Musk is just desperate to remain in business. You dont seem to understand that the death rate (both direct and indirect) is connected to the amount of infected people. 2% at might be at 10K patients but at 100M it might be completely different, its an UNKNOWN. Society might break down. People care about elderly people, they are their parents and grandparents. Restaurants, Airlines, Hotels are all drawing their credit lines. If they all go bk, the banks go down and its 2008 all over again. But if everyone goes into lock down for a month. The problem is largely controlled for
    Sprout, eastern_warrior and Cuddles like this.
  8. Daal


    good luck thinking its just old people

    "But of the 508 patients known to have been hospitalized, 38% were notably younger — between 20 and 54. "

    You get 10M infected and people with OTHER diseases will be dying all over the place, due lack of hospitals. Musk is a retard
  9. I'd like to meet the idiot who decided that 20 year olds should be lumped in with 54 year olds. Sounds like something a IYI might do.
    #10     Mar 19, 2020