Bill Clinton is about to be arrested for being a pedophile!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. Tony Stark

    Tony Stark

    #21     Jul 6, 2020
  2. And far left Canadians obsessed with Trump and AMERICAN politics
    #22     Jul 6, 2020
    smallfil and CaptainObvious like this.
  3. The purpose of the CIA backed Epstein operation was to compromise political figures in at least the US and UK for the purpose of concentrating political power. As in “Mr Congessman. we need a little help in an upcoming vote”. “After which you are invited back to Epstein Island for a little celebration”.

    Many politicians on both sides were compromised. It is not inconceivable that Trump and Clinton were involved. Either way, if the beans are spilled on the Epstein investigation, a lot of current and former politicans go down for underage sex with children, as shown on videotapes.

    Based on prior DC prostitute investigations, nothing other than a little political brinkmanship will happen and maybe a few witness suicides, like the two DC prostitutes killed themselves in the other scandal.

    A list of Johns were presented to the court in the DC Prostitute Ring scandal but names were never revealed to the public. There may have been a silent partial purge negotiated between the parties as may be indicated by the surprise resignations of some prominent members of Congress.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
    #23     Jul 6, 2020
    elderado and CaptainObvious like this.
  4. Indeed. However not all government cases are equal. You have cases where the government investigates and squeezes some witnesses and identifies some johns and cuts little deals and then they tamp the whole thing down and release of info is very limited.

    The problem in a case as with Maxwell and Epstein's estate is that you have teams of some of the most powerful litigators in the country aggressively chasing down and shaking down deep pockets and they have the right to discovery and they are using it BIGTIME plus they are using the fruits of the government's investigation and discovery. These guys are not going away when the blood in the water just keeps on coming. Unlike a situation where some politicans are involved with hookers and the johns and all parties just want the whole thing to go away, including the government. There is no money there for the legal vultures. There is a lot of money on the line here with epstein's estate. There has been and will continue to be as much info coming out of the civil suits as the criminal action.
    #24     Jul 6, 2020
  5. I’m not so concerned about estates or even pedophile politicians when there are indications an entrenched entity upsurped power as promulgated by our Constitution. Perhaps an offer of amnesty for the first four politicians that come forward combined with the promise of Medeval treatment for the others will incentivise

    These compromised politicians and possibly other indiviuals who are in positions of authority are doing the bidding on an entity that has by definition has caused harm to the United States.

    I would hope the women of both sides of the aisle get fervent with demands for transparency in the Epstein investigation. As it is, the relative silence from major political players is deafening, increasingly lending credence to the idea that Bill, Joe, Donald, and maybe key current and former figures in the all important justice department may be involved.

    Until we get a purge of compromised politicians, we will not be in control of our destiny, leaving our future to the entity that hates the principles America stands for.

    Edit: To fully appreciate the compounding effects of compromised individuals on our politicsl process, imagine that these individuals would have preferential tailwind by the power seeking entity for various positions of power. In other words, this entity can create a feedback loop that keeps them in power indefinitely and free from public scrutiny.
    #25     Jul 6, 2020
  6. Nine_Ender


    Oh, and deranged fools like you who think that "far left" is a thing in Canada. Go mingle with your Nazi friends. You and the Captain can share an intimate moment together sans mask.
    Last edited: Jul 6, 2020
    #26     Jul 6, 2020
  7. gaussian


    If that worked you'd already be banned.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
    #27     Jul 7, 2020
  8. exGOPer


    What fake news did I post? Can you be specific?

    I can specifically recall you posting fake news from FB grandma feed about some MAGA guy getting beat up, projection much?
    #28     Jul 7, 2020
  9. easymon1


    about to be arrested

    lol where has this "about to be" crap been seen before?
    maybe in the vicinity of everywhere?

    ain't no uber controllers gettin' arrested for nuttin'
    scorched earth policy in play.
    the closer accountability gets
    the scorcherer the current events get.
    can't get no worse?
    how many biowarfare labs are in the world?
    covie is gentle and kind.
    they got some binary bioweapons that would have no symptoms in the chosen and turn your ass into jelly in a new york second, lol.

    please..nobody goin' nowhere.
    calm the hell down.
    #29     Jul 7, 2020
  10. Dr. Love

    Dr. Love

    #30     Jul 7, 2020