Bill Clinton is about to be arrested for being a pedophile!

Discussion in 'Politics' started by FortuneTeller, Jul 5, 2020.

  1. Wallet


    I don’t think deniers is the correct definition. I’d say most here believe there’s a virus, the debate evolves around how to best handle the pandemic and exactly how deadly the virus is.

    Racism? Well I agree, but racism infects both sides of the political spectrum.
    #11     Jul 5, 2020
  2. Nine_Ender


    Well I suppose it's only killed 135K Americans and counting versus 9/11 which killed 2K. Not sure how many have to die before the debate stops. Are you not aware how ridiculous the American perspective on the virus has become ? You don't see these debates in Canada and our death rates are lower.
    #12     Jul 5, 2020
  3. exGOPer


    And who is going to all this? Epstein and Maxwell have deeper association with Trump than Clinton, that guy is going to 'arrest' Clinton - for what exactly? Can you be specific with the Clinton-Epstein mess?

    If association is the benchmark then Trump would be the first to go in. I don't care what Maxwell says, Clinton going to jail makes absolutely no difference to me, but if she sings Trump which she should, then you guys are fucked.[​IMG]
    #13     Jul 5, 2020
  4. Wallet


    If Trump, Clinton or anyone was flying down to Epstein’s island, and all that implies, I don’t card who they are, they need to be brought to justice.

    Celebrity pictures really don’t mean crap. Way to much emphasis on standing next to someone getting a picture taken. That goes for both sides of the aisle.

    Maxwell, if she makes it to deposition, will shine a light on the mess. We’ll see who was “associated”.
    #14     Jul 5, 2020
  5. exGOPer


    And who is going to bring them to Justice? Barr? Trump's stooge who himself has deep association with Epstein?

    I know celebrity pictures don't mean anything, so again, what is Bill Clinton being accused of here other than his socializing which is something Trump and Barr did way more than him.

    Good luck with Maxwell deposition, she will be killed off by Trump just like Epstein was. Nothing is going to happen.
    #15     Jul 5, 2020
  6. Wallet


    Instead of comparing it to 9/11 we could could compare it to the Spanish flu that infected what 500 million, death toll was some where 20-50 million?

    If the debate wasn’t such knee-jerk and over the top lacking common sense at times, it would have more traction.
    #16     Jul 5, 2020
    traderob and Dr. Love like this.
  7. Wallet


    Lol, you should be on late night.
    #17     Jul 5, 2020
  8. exGOPer


    #18     Jul 5, 2020
  9. Nine_Ender


    The debate was over in Canada months ago. Think about what that means. How's your approach working out ? Still arguing about whether it's a hoax and whether masks help; still putting a discount on the value of seniors lives. 50,000 infections a day that's impressive.
    #19     Jul 5, 2020
  10. Dr. Love

    Dr. Love

    Everyone knows Bill flew to that island many, many times. Perhaps he is guilty of having sex with minors. We shall see.

    Weinstein, Epstein, Bill, Weiner, they would be having a cigar in the West Wing right now if Hillary had won.
    #20     Jul 6, 2020
    smallfil likes this.