Bilderberg & The Double-Headed Eagle

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AMT4SWA, Jan 19, 2009.

  1. Bilderberg & The Double-Headed Eagle

    Jurriaan Maessen ( )
    January 19, 2009

    Some unsavoury stars glowed in the sky above Oosterbeek, the Netherlands, where a meeting at the Bilderberg hotel was convened in 1954. A club of wealthy robber barons met under the inspired chairmanship of a Prussian prince named Bernhard von Lippe-Biesterfeld, a confessed Nazi and acclaimed ne’er-do-well. Discussed was the formation of a new Anglo-American pact, or so it was stated. In line with the elite’s habit of using bold euphemisms, the group was officially presented as an informal transatlantic think tank. As we know, the real setup was much more sinister.

    A band of robber barons

    Top military figureheads met with the representatives of European and American banks to forge a new road ahead since the Austrian painter of picture-postcards had paved the way for them before splattering his brains across his bunker ceiling. Both the military and economic arm flared up under the careful supervision of European royalty, and intertwined to form a single flame (with a cloud of political moths hovering around it), enveloping the European continent under an ominous cloud. Prime focus of the meeting was the gradual abandonment of sovereignty in favour of a great international government. To quote the complaining prince: ‘It is difficult to re-educate people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing some of their sovereignty to a supra-national body’. Bernhard was not the only one cherishing this vision.

    In the following decades the Bilderberg group would attract likeminded psychopaths to work tirelessly on wiping out existing borders as they went along. All this would have to be achieved with the help of well organised military, economic and political components, carefully placed inside key locations of the infrastructure to grease the wheels of globalism. An ambitious plan for sure. But they would not have to start from scratch.

    Rise of the Hanseatic League

    Around the year 1175, somewhere in the vast forests of Northern Germany, a similar plan was contrived. An unsuspecting peasant who would have happened to walk past would have seen- glimmering through the dark tree trunks- a wild fire ablaze and some intimidating looking men warming their hands around it.

    Several Germanic merchants and noblemen were gathered in secret to discuss an idea that was already years in the making. Although initially the plan was probably still as shapeless as the forest deities they praised, it slowly grew into more than just a plan that would have great implications for Northern Europe in the centuries to come. Ancient trading guilds from all over Germany, Hansas as they were called, set out to build a great unified trade organisation. This new organisation was out to gather as many European towns under its wing as possible, offering all kinds of trading privileges along the Baltic and North Sea and in return demanding free access through all ports along the great inland rivers. Good news, it seemed, for the impoverished forts of the Low Countries in the west, for now they were able to trade more goods over longer distances.

    But the local riverside lords had unknowingly entered into an agreement with a cunning serpent. Over the next three centuries the League would dictate economic policy in Western Europe and therefore exert influence on the everyday politics of those days. Playing cities and counties off against each other, the organisation held medieval North-West Europe in a tight economic stranglehold that would last for the better part of the Middle Ages. In the course of this time the number of towns that swore (or were forced to swear) allegiance to the League rose to a staggering 200. A bewildering number when we take into account we are still in the dirty depths of the Dark Ages. The League realised however that controlling and expanding her monopoly would require more than just relying on the weapon of economic boycott. The new trade organisation would enforce its rule with the help of an industrious military arm, clearing the way for hanseatic settlements in the remotest of areas.
  2. The Teutonic Order

    Founded in 1189 on the shores of the Holy Land, the Order of the Teutonic Knights of St. Mary’s hospital in Jerusalem was forced into being under the sails of the seafaring tradesmen. In order to legitimize this military arm of the Hanseatic League, it was cleverly streamlined with the lucrative crusades in the Holy Land that were already in full swing around the time of its founding. To have taken part in the Holy War meant an enormous boost in prestige back home in Europe; and besides, conducting operations under the papal seal enabled the Teutonic swordsmen to go ahead with their real business of interest: setting up a military system not in pagan-infested Outremer, but in North-West Europe along the trading routes of their sister organisation, the Hanseatic League. But first they had to present themselves on the battlefield, though somewhat reluctantly and not exactly in solidarity with the Holy War or with the armies waging it (Teutonic Knights were not very idealistic, nor were they particularly religiously motivated). After receiving the required stripes the ‘fighting monks’ quickly lowered their flag and scurried off back to Germany, leaving the doomed Templars to do the fighting in their stead. Back in the heimat the Order wasted no time doing what it had intended to do from the very start: to become the Hanseatic League’s iron hand, enforcing its trading monopoly wherever it was needed and effectively setting up a military dictatorship to suppress potential rivals lurking in the background. This time, the Teutonic knights were summoned to secure important strategic areas in the east, where unyielding Prussian tribes blocked the trading routes that the League had set its sights on. The Order contrived a great converting with the bloody sword of Christendom as a pretext to go in- which they did as soon as the approval from Rome came through. Without having to worry about overzealous cardinals interfering, the slaughter began. In a series of heavily subsidised manhunts, the Teutonic knights butchered thousands of Prussians and installed themselves as sovereign rulers. At the same time the Order gave a heads-up to the Hanseatic League in their wake to sail on in and trade away. The continent had not seen such a coordinated and confident effort of a military and economic order since the Roman Empire had evaporated almost a millennium earlier.

    The Order State

    To project this confidence to their enemies and adequately install fear into their hearts, both the Order and the League printed a black double headed eagle firmly on their respective banners. The chosen symbol could not have been more fitting: one body, symbolizing a common purpose, from which two heads peered greedily eastward and westward, depicting the two divisions with which to accomplish that purpose. The eagle would later evolve into the black cross of the Prussian Order state- a symbol that would ultimately survive as the black swastika within a white circle: the black sun of the Nazis. It is no coincidence that the failed architect from Braunau often referred to the lebensraum-philosophy of his Teutonic predecessors to explain his ambitious policies to a mesmerised German people.

    At the beginning of the 15th century the lands formerly inhabited by the conquered Prussian tribes were ruthlessly transformed into the Teutonic Order State, better known as Prussia. Looking at a map of Northern Europe around that time, we see a red stain filling up the space, expanding in all directions with blood dripping off the edges. Although the Holy Roman Empire was not at all generous when it came to competing forces rising up in the neighbourhood, the new Order State was clearly the exception to the rule as it was feared like a snake but treated like a king. Whenever the Order State required a favour, the Empire granted it without debate. Several royal families such as the Hohenzollerns- long time members of both the League and the Order- were appointed by the double headed eagle to rule the new Order State in the east and rule it mercilessly. The west was brought under the control of the German house of Nassau and the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha’s. It is no coincidence that these very same families appear prominently on the membership list of Bilderberg. Needless to say they rarely miss a meeting.

    The New World Order

    Over time both the Hanseatic League and the Teutonic Order changed shape, broke apart into largely ceremonial fragments, finally losing their original significance altogether. By the time Napoleon stood pounding at the gates of Prussia in 1806, the Order State had already morphed silently into a network of royal families and loyal bloodlines, who could without exception trace their roots back to the Prussian hinterland. The transition generally went flawless. The old, borderless order guaranteed its survival by doing what it had always done: to operate under the cloak of world events, and even expanding its operations underneath it. Unbound by any geographical restrictions, the royals took as little heed of sovereignty as they ever did. They were always alert not to become an empire with clear defined borders, for empires often leave themselves wide-open for invasion. As representatives of an ancient Germanic death cult they proceeded to manipulate events with a relentlessness that would draw blood from a leach. Although the robes of old are replaced by ties and waistcoats, the agenda continues just as it did in days past. If the Bilderberg group (and affiliated ‘think tanks’) is successful, the Order State will envelop the entire globe in the near future, seizing countries like flies stuck to a web, until all the world is under its control.

    A gloomy prospect if ever we saw one. However all-powerful the Bilderbergers may seem though, history quickly shakes us out of any sense of hopelessness that might creep in. It gently lays an encouraging hand on our shoulder and beckons us to take heart.

    We are not the first to find tyranny at our door. And we certainly won’t be the last. In fact we are just a link in the chain of humanities’ struggle against the rule of tyrants. As is the case with modern day globalists, the old order would never fully be free from resistance, especially from people that valued their independence, seeking no conflict outside their borders but not hesitating to defend their tribe, their family, if push came to shove. For every creature that was captured in the claws of the double headed eagle, there was one that got away, never to be grabbed again. If the new world order is to be forestalled, methinks two heads need to roll: both the private central banks and the military industrial complex must be addressed for one is attached to the same body as the other. Now we witness the animal screeching and waving its heads about, feverishly arming subservient nations and engineering economic crises worldwide while screaming for a single world government in the same breath.
  3. Do you ever get tired of posting this crap? It does not matter what secret orders people are alleged to be in. They can even worship satan if they want to. they still gonna die. Now if I see "W" winning the Nobel prize in Physics and speaking in a sophisticated way I would start to think a supernatural force is involved.