Biggest lie in our century, brainwashing people into believing Pre-Emptive wars OK

Discussion in 'Politics' started by DollarBondsCL, Mar 8, 2012.

  1. You don't get it nutmeg

    Verbal Threats are not the same as military attack. And how many times did Israel and US threaten Iran.

    This is tit for tat word game for the last 30 years

    The country that attacks first is the OFFENDER, so sad that most Americans don't even understand the basics of right and wrong.
    #11     Mar 9, 2012
  2. Eight


    I'm still pissed at Iranians for the oil shocks of the '70's.. if they get really messed up like Iraq it wont' bother me. Nothing bothers me anyhow.

    I worked with Iranians in the high tech industry of So Cal.. talk about shock! It wasn't oil shock it was culture shock to learn that there were these incredibly obnoxious people and they all moved to the LA area. I used to comment how the phrase "f$^king Iranians" seems to roll off the tongue.. So I said to myself "oh come on, give them a chance" and I did, I observed them and learned.. they marry their second cousins, inbred people are xenophobic, etc... and obnoxious is a way of life for them, in fact, they don't seem to have plans they just keep on being obnoxious until they get their way. That is what that president of Iran is doing, just being obnoxious until he gets his way.

    I knew this boring-assed Jewish Iranian, ye godz, that one had refined obnoxious to a high art. He used it to cover up for being incompetent and it worked pretty well for the guy. He could do obnoxious all day every day.. Eventually he gets married, collects just a ton of really expensive wedding gifts and within a month his wife splits with all the stuff and wiped out his checking account.. left him with an empty apartment. I always wondered if she planned that from the get-go or what... Obnoxious people have unreal lives sometimes...
    #12     Mar 9, 2012
  3. LOL you are such a bigot, hating 60-80 million people because of one jerk at your workplace

    and just for the record, no one more inbred than Jews

    #13     Mar 10, 2012
  4. Pre-emptive wars against Islamic Terror States (ITS's) is not only legitimate but necessary.

    Syria and Iran must be dealt with, since they pose an imminent threat to the USA and to Israel.
    #14     Mar 10, 2012
  5. jews are the most un inbred of any people. Less so than Italians, Irish, German or Chinese.

    We have been scattered all over the earth and have never been shy to intermarry.

    Last time the kids came home for the Holidays they were speaking four different languages in the living room all at the same time, and that's just one small family.
    #15     Mar 10, 2012
  6. yeah, that's what Andrew Jackson said about the indians. What we need is a good old fashioned "Trail of Tears" to finally put these "people" in their place. Once they are all on reservations, we can get on about the business of the United States the way the Founding Fathers envisioned it.
    #16     Mar 10, 2012
  7. I must say I'm very disappointed with Obama moving to the right on this whole Iran thing. The Jews/Israelis have far too much power over our government. It was the largely Jewish neocons that pushed us into the Iraq war.

    "There is a small group of Jewish neoconservatives who unsuccessfully tried to get Benjamin Netanyahu to attack Saddam Hussein in the 1990s, and then successfully helped provide the intellectual rationale for George Bush to do it in 2003... Happily, these people represent a very small sliver of the Jewish population in this country...I remain proud of my Jewish heritage, a strong supporter of Israel...But I am not willing to grant these ideologues the anonymity they seek...I believe there are a small group of Jewish neoconservatives who are pushing for war with Iran because they believe it is in America's long-term interests and because they believe Israel's existence is at stake. They are wrong and recent history tells us they are dangerous. They are also bullies and I'm not going to be intimidated by them."

    Joe Klein
    #17     Mar 10, 2012
  8. I agree, I would like the messgae to be, "Let the world know that Israel is our ally and an attack on Israel is an attack on the USA. But we are not going to support Israel if they do something stupid."

    and that also has to go for their relationship with Palestine.

    How would you like to be a jew in America and everytime the president gets up to speak there is a cross on the podium?

    Yet you see that stupid menorah on the podium every time the Israeli PM speaks. How would you feel if you were a moslem trying to get along in Israel ruled by a government that even Barack Obama calls "Jewish."?

    Like I always said, If USA was moslem and Japan was jewish we'd still be fighting WWII.

    Supporting Israel is one thing, supporting a "Jewish" state is another.
    #18     Mar 10, 2012
  9. rew


    Watch out, futurecurrents -- you are now an official anti-Semite, as determined by our resident expert on the matter, Trader666. Only other Jews are ever allowed to criticize the Jewish war mongers, or their lobby, AIPAC. I'm already an official anti-Semite, even though I have no problem with pro-peace Jews.
    #19     Mar 10, 2012
  10. Silly comparison.

    Anyway, the injuns are better off under capitalism than they would have been hunting prey with bow 'n arrows.

    The injuns should be grateful that we gave em reservations. They are better off than the blacks, who have nothing other than a half-baked liberal president with a muzzie middle name.

    Profits from injun reserves should be used to finance Obamacare for drop-outs, not our taxes. Obamacare is a racist policy, which for the most part benefits blacks and latinos (who don't want to pay health insurance) and is financed by our taxes.
    #20     Mar 10, 2012