Biggest cluster fuck in Afganistan for the last 50-years

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TimtheEnchanter, Aug 29, 2021.

  1. The lame old man reversed every good Trump policy, opened the border for mobs of covid ridden beggars, but he kept the Afgan pullout and he did that in an incredible ass-backward way. Pulled put the military leaving 85 billion worth of equipment (for the Russians and Chinese to reverse engineer). Closed Bagram, claiming that not enough troops to defend, while he could have reinforced the troop level to keep Bagram - a strategic airfield costing a fortune to build. Either these people are terminally stupid or intentionally want to destroy the US as it is.
    Remember if you were stupid enough to vote for these gangsters just because you had the mental condition (Trump derangement Syndrome), the US now has the lowest standing among our allies. Our enemies are laughing at us and especially at the morons in the White House. All this was possible by stupid voters and oh, by the way, it is YOUR TAX money wasted, so now the fool wants a big tax increase. Come on China, Taiwan is yours now, act while Biden is still kicking.
    Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
    FortuneTeller, elderado and smallfil like this.
  2. Cuddles


    Your BDS is showing. Please direct your deranged falsehoods to one of multiple threads on this topic
  3. UsualName


    Joe Biden the international crime boss with multiple mortgages on his house is probably my favorite take.

    For effect, next time use all caps.
  4. Last edited: Aug 29, 2021
  5. userque
