Big move up today

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by endsongs, Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Can't see any reason for the move up today. Going to try to short it down with a small position size high reward/risk ratio trade. If I'm wrong that this is over bought, won't lose much.
  2. After the runup due to AAPLE earnings, the trade is back to even. Since I'm using small position size and high stops/targets (> 10%) on a 3x ETF, the trade is still on. We will see how it does the rest of the day.
  3. S2007S


    3X Bull or bear?

    I just went long SSG again, just for a trade into the close. Im sure the markets will get somewhat volatile this afternoon while bubble ben bernanke speaks on capitol hill.

  4. Definitely short S 200. I think the AAPLE runup faked a lot of people out. Although earnings are good mostly, revenue is still down.
  5. bought small tza 35.5
  6. exit tza scalp -0.15 as reversal perterd out
  7. still long tza from 7/20. Might take a small loss on this one.
  8. This trade finished a little while back with a ~12% loss on a small position size. Combined with the ~12% gain I posted earlier under another post and two small scalp losses, I'm about even on this attempt to swing the 3x ETFs overnight with small position, high stop/target trades. Looking for another one, which might be long, to post...