Bieber, Madonna Among Dozens of Celebs Named in Lawsuit Alleging Yuga Labs NFT 'Scheme'

Discussion in 'Crypto Assets' started by ph1l, Dec 9, 2022.

  1. ph1l

    Plaintiff Adam Titcher bought the mutant ape for 5.3 ETH on August 28, 2021, minted the Otherdeed later, and there a current offers for 13.906 + 1.246 == 15.152 WETH (equivalent to ETH). This is a compound annual growth rate of about 126.61%.
    upload_2022-12-9_18-35-0.png upload_2022-12-9_18-35-19.png
    So the damages are the value almost tripled in less than 1.5 years, and that's not enough? Can someone explain how this lawsuit could succeed?
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2022
    guest_trader_1 and Nobert like this.
  2. Pekelo


    The damages are that the value collapsed 95% in the last 8-10 months.

    Nah, just kidding there was no value in NFTs ever. :)

    Anyhow, the base of the lawsuit is that they are supposed to acknowledge when they are paid for promoting anything, be it NFT, ponzi, pyramid scheme.
    virtusa likes this.
  3. virtusa


    It is funny to see how many people still get caught in new scams.

    The mutant ape was 5.3 ETH on August 28, 2021, best offer is 13.906 ETH.
    I read this like:
    The mutant ape was $17,000 on August 28, 2021, best offer is $17,552.29.
    This is a NOT AT ALL a compound annual growth rate of about 126.61%.
    $552.29 in 15 months is far less.
  4. What?! You mean, actors are supposed to be paid when making movies too? I thought this was all a free-service they did for the silver screen! Those sneaky bitches, I hope they get sued! Damn Hollywood is full of shysters... how they have pulled the wool over our eyes.
  5. ph1l


    I guess one could argue that an endorsement from Justin Bieber damaged Canada's reputation for manly men, but that would require a lawsuit filed in Canada.:)

    But Adam Titcher would have to prove he was damaged, and the "value" of his investment increased a lot in the monetary unit of how it was purchased (not USD, S&H Green Stamps, Quatloos, or anything else not Ether). So I think the lawsuit has no merit because there were no damages.
  6. Pekelo


    You do realize Shkreli went to prison while his investors actually made profits? Now you could argue criminal vs. civil case and you maybe right. If you want this to be a criminal case instead, well, write a letter to the SEC. You may have heard they fined Kim K.:

    The point is, no damage =/= not guilty
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2022
    virtusa likes this.