Bidu It!

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by blast19, Jan 18, 2007.

  1. blast19


    It's a good short right now to $115 or so probably if you've got nerve and think the markets on a downward spiral. I do!

    This stock is weak...each rally looks weaker for this stock. It's ugly right now and there's a gap down there to fill.

    Good luck.
  2. I will buy at $80.
  3. blast19


    You'll buy it there? Maybe if it hits $80 fundamentals will somewhat be in line with price...the bubble in China stocks may quickly deflate as the market here turns against stocks like Apple.

    IBM will be a good indicator later.
  4. You're right.

    I'll buy it at $60. :D

  5. I'm in for 35 contracts of the feb 110 puts. Gonna ride this sucker back down to reality.