Biden Screwing Up In Debate Early

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Oct 11, 2012.

  1. pspr


    Biden is now obviously making up facts on the Libya problem Obama has created.
  2. pspr


    Watch Biden's expressions as Ryan is speaking. He rotates from laughing to smirks to surprise to smiles. He's like a clown.
  3. gtor514


    In the first 15 minutes, my take is this...

    Ryan look crisp, lucid, young and in control.

    Biden looks like a babbling freak who they just wheeled out of some retirement home after they just revived from a code blue.
  4. hughb


    Exactly. The most noticeable aspect of Biden so far.
  5. Ryan is getting his ass handed to him. Way to go Biden.
  6. hughb


    And now 20 minutes in he even goes "oh god" with his laugh. He's his own worst enemy.
  7. 377OHMS


    He is not like a clown.

    He is an actual clown in every sense of the word.

    It is frightening that Obama would select such a character to serve in a capacity that could elevate to the Presidency should something unforeseen occur.
  8. hughb


    Biden going good right now on the 47% issue, this is the best he's looked all night.
  9. gtor514


    Yeah, he's pulling that I'm for the working man stick.
  10. hughb


    Oh shit! Whew, Ryan smoked him on the unemplyment rate in Sranton PA.
    #10     Oct 11, 2012