Biden Moves To Cede Sovereignty to WHO

Discussion in 'Politics' started by wildchild, May 21, 2022.

  1. wildchild


    The Joe Biden debacle just keeps on happening. The guy is a walking disaster.

    American sovereignty will be on the line next week, and most Americans aren’t even aware of it. If they were, they’d be raising a ruckus – which, of course, is precisely why the Biden administration has done its best to keep its actions hidden from as many as possible for as long as possible.

    In early January, the Biden administration sent the global bureaucrats at the World Health Organization a set of proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations to be considered by the World Health Assembly at United Nations headquarters during their gathering in May. Representatives from almost 200 countries will gather there to consider these proposed amendments, each of which does one of two things – either it gives WHO more power, or it reduces the member nations’ rights to make their own decisions.

    In other words, these amendments move power and control from America’s government (which derives its just powers from the consent of the governed) to an international body of bureaucrats (for which no American citizen voted).
  2. notagain


    China owns WHO.
    Taiwan has a knife to its throat.
    Biden globalist want the high life in Davos, Switzerland.
    Bush and the uni-party sold out their own country.
  3. ipatent


    The Democrats want to declare gun violence a public health threat and use it to undermine the Second Amendment.