beware of IB's cancellation fees

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by esu2, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. esu2


    Yesterday I got a $2.40 order cancellation fee
    on my statement.

    I place a couple of option day orders but
    they were never filled and I did NOT cancel them.

    Turns out, everytime you change the price, they
    will charge a $1.20 order cancellation fee.

    They said that the policy currently is for options only.
    It may be for futures and equities later.

  2. Xenia


    Goes this way ...

    modify = cancel & replace
  3. hajimow


    As far as I know they charge fee even if you modify your option order right?
    cancel fee = modify fee ?
  4. Htrader

    Htrader Guest

    Yes, modifying an option order is the same as cancelling it and sending a new order.
  5. these are CBOE fees and to modify is to cancel in case you didn't realize that
  6. Xenia


    IB Communique - June 24, 2005

    Option cancellation fees have been reduced on BOX and PHLX
    to USD 0.10 and USD 0.60 respectively, which is reduced or
    eliminated based on the number of executed orders.
  7. =======
    Think all or the exchanges were going to raise cancel fees, which may or may not have resulted in brokers passing it on,
    but aparently public outcry was to much especially on cancel fees on expired day orders.

    Dont like any extra charge, but i also try to be careful not just because of IB cancel fee;
    but thought about all the extra work if a 2k or 10,000 contract day and every trader cancels or modifiys 2 or 4 times.:cool:
  8. Do they charge you a cancellation fee if your order isn't filled by the exchange and you leave it entered through the close?
  9. This is an outrageous amount...
    Something on the order of $0.01 might be what exchanges could get away with charging.

    I have never been charged a cancellation fee...
    But on the NYSE one must approach a 10:1 ratio of cancels vs fills to for anyone to flag you.

    Only ** very badly designed strategies ** would result in > 10:1 cancel/fill ratios...
    Typical quantitative strategies might have a 3:1 ratio.

    I'll bet that horribly designed algorithmic "black boxes" are becoming a problem for exchanges...
    HOGGING bandwidth without making any trades.

    Exchanges have to defend themselves against idiots running algos.
  10. cvds16


    #10     Apr 21, 2007