BET Founder: Stop Attacking The Wealthy

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Maverick74, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. Maverick74


    How about the shutdown of the federal government? How about not being able to pass a budget? How about having our debt downgraded? Tell me when to stop. How do you like them apples?
    #11     Oct 3, 2011
  2. You mean congress being unable to pass a budget? You think Obama's rhetoric is to blame? Really? The congress I've been watching barely registers what Obama says and doesn't seem to care what he wants.

    Government shut mean the one in '95? Did Obama's rhetoric downgrade our debt or was it the S&P? Pretty sure the S&P blamed the GOP directly for that one so you may be reaching. I like apples just fine but you've made no argument to support your claim that "Class Warfare" or Obama's base rallying rhetoric (however you wish to label it) causes any measurable harm. It is part of the 'wrestling match', nothing more.
    #12     Oct 3, 2011
  3. Maverick74


    I disagree. The President sets the tone in Washington. He is the leader of this country and the most powerful spokesman of his party. As the saying goes, the buck stops with him. His job is to set the goal posts on the field so the debate can happen in the middle. He is setting the goal posts so far apart, so wide, that there is no debate in the middle. There is no compromise.

    Let's review shall we. This is the same President that declared war on Fox news. Nice. He then went around the country saying people in the Midwest cling to their guns and their bible. How sweet. Then he goes on to say he doesn't really care much what the tea party has to say. Really? Well that's only 30 million people you are ignoring. Then he runs around the country with Buffet as his boy toy talking about shared sacrifice while his wife is spending millions of tax payer dollars in Spain on endless vacations.

    I think you and I both can agree that congress is NOT going to come together on anything. The only person that can solve this is the President. He is the leader of his party and quite frankly, the most powerful person in the world.

    The class warfare rhetoric stops the debate, shuts down the government and creates a dangerous environment that usually breeds violent extremism on both the right and the left.
    #13     Oct 3, 2011
  4. Arnie


    You have to be pretty obtuse to say that Obama does not engage in class warfare. How old are you? :D
    #14     Oct 3, 2011
  5. Obama is calling for Clinton era tax rates,Robert Johnson was rich and flying private jets when Clinton was President

    Robert Johnson is a huge Clinton supporter and endorsed Hilary during the primary yet her Husband raised taxes and she would have too
    #15     Oct 3, 2011
  6. And he has full support from his party, correct?
    #16     Oct 3, 2011
  7. You can disagree all you want but do try to back up your disagreement with facts. This is the President's job:

    "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

    That's it. Setting the tone of the debate is nowhere to be found in those words so I think you may be reading into things. Our President's job, Constitutionally speaking, is limited...and it does not include influencing the legislative process on Capital Hill. Sure, he can attempt to sway public opinion one way or another but since when is Congress listening to public opinion? His job is simply to sign into law the legislation passed by both houses of Congress, or, if he disagrees with it, veto it and force another vote.

    I will say it again, it is empty rhetoric, nothing more. When he speaks he is not speaking to Congress. Congress isn't listening to him, as evidenced by numerous snubs by the DNC, let alone the GOP. He is attempting to appear as though he can affect a process that he has scant control over. At the end of the day it is on Congress to pass a budget, raise our debt ceiling, authorize spending, etc. It seems to me you don't like Obama (neither do I) and so don't like him talking smack about your demographic (neither do I). However, I see it for what it really is.
    #17     Oct 3, 2011
  8. Maverick74


    Has nothing to do with not liking the guy. My comments were that class warfare does not work. Which it doesn't. And that class warfare is destructive. Which it is.

    Along similar lines, race warfare also doesn't work.
    #18     Oct 3, 2011
  9. All warfare is inherently destructive but somehow I think you knew that. Obama's rhetoric is empty and meaningless, which is why the same firms that donated to Obama last cycle will donate to him this cycle. Therefore, it causes no measurable harm, and has no affect on the legislative process (because Congress cares not for his rhetoric). It won't even affect his fundraising.
    #19     Oct 3, 2011
  10. Until we have a Kent State it is hard argue that the nation is more split than Vietnam. But since you are in your 30's I can see why you would say that.
    #20     Oct 3, 2011