I am currently a prop trader at Tradescape and am using their "lightspeed" trading platform. I find this platform to be excellent because it allows us to get in and out of nasdaq stocks with virtually no delay. All of our keys are mapped so that a touch of button can buy or sell stocks. My question is, are there other trading platforms with these same capabilites? From what I have seen, most other platforms are "order entry based" or "point and click" which means you spend a lot of time doing these things, and for example when that idiot high bid pops in you wont be able to hit him without delay. So if anyone knows any other software that they are happy with and offers these capabilities, please let me know. Also, for those using the redi plus platform can you please explain how it works. Thanks
Most major platforms (Realtick, CyberTrader Pro, IB, etc.) allow you to setup hotkeys to instantaneously place a buy/sell/short order. And you can specify number of shares, whether the order is at the bid/offer, above/below the bid/offer (and by how much), etc. It's pretty standard fare these days.
ssigma, Could you tell me if "lightspeed" is available for off-site use? I tried opening an account specifically for use with this platform and was given the run-around. My understanding is that it's an on-site program and not available to people at home. Is this correct? Thanks. IndexTrader
As of now, Lightspeed if for onsite use only. Thats one of the reasons why I'm looking elsewhere for a comparable platform. What platforms have you tested in the past and which are the ones I should avoid?
At this time I'm using Interactive Brokers because I can do basket trading on their platform and it is very nice to work with. With 1 mouse click I can buy 20 stocks at a time! Only problem is that it's been a little unreliable lately. Also, with IB, there's that 100 share minimum on NYSE that bugs me quite a bit. I'm looking into Blackwood Trading. IndexTrader
Speed keys are available with Protrader and Pointdirex Platinum. I think ECHO may, but don't know for sure, because they require a Series 7, so didn't fully check it out. Tradestation 6 has promised speed keys for order entry and routing, for the next version.
Hello Ssigma I am currently using Pointdirex platform. I used to trade on the watcher but have switched over to Direx Platinum. This software is amazing. It is extremely fast, very flexible, Movable windows, hot keys, extremely fast exection off the internet and to top it off very reliable off the internet.. I would highly recommend this. Plus their commissions are the best I have seen in the industry that can't be beat. www.pointdirex.com Hans
Sterling Technologies (www.sterlingtechnologiesinc.com) is close to completing a product offering that will leap frog a good number of systems out there now. The technical studies are one of its real strengths. The order entry settings are 100% customizable. Currently Echo and Van Buren are the only professional firms offering this product as we execute through the Pax Clearing backbone. It's worth a test drive. Vito Sisto