Best time to restart IB Gateway ?

Discussion in 'Interactive Brokers' started by Daniel.a, Jan 4, 2023.

  1. Daniel.a


    Which time have you found is the best to set you Ib gateway to restart everyday ?
    I am after finding best stability, some IB reps is saying sometime during the internal resest times 23:45 - 00:45 ET.. and some say, close to but after for example 1am..

    Opinions and experiences ?
    blueraincap likes this.
  2. My automated trading system is not trading 24 hours per day, so I restart Gateway during a period that I’m not using it. In my case I start it on Sunday evening and let Gateway restart itself every morning at around 9:45AM (SE Asia time zone) as I’m not trading that early in the morning. I let it run until Saturday morning. I don’t recall that Gateway ever crashed, requiring manual intervention, during the week.
  3. rb7


    23h45, which is the default time proposed.
    I've been using IBGw with this reset time for years.
  4. I recommend you set up the gateway to auto restart (go to Configure -> Lock and Exit -> Auto restart). This way you only need to re-login once per week on the weekend.

    I've been using a restart time of 11:45pm and it has worked fine.
  5. This is the way. +1 to Gary's comment
  6. cowmoo99


    QQ for everybody how do you guys do the restart if IBKR is enforcing that 2FA?

    For me, my current setup is manual. I have a one-click job on my cloud VM that restarts my entire Gateway and also my trading bot. (But it's manual, everyday when I get to my desk I have to restart it manually so I can do the 2FA).
  7. With the auto restart I only need to do the 2FA once per week.
  8. MarkBrown


    another reason i quit ib
  9. Daniel.a


    The intention for this thread was to discuss thoughts and experiences picking a time for the restart of the api gateway that provides greatest stability...
  10. BAT31


    Presently, I have TWS auto-logoff set to 17:01, one minute after the futures market closes. Then I log on at 18:00. A real pain. I haven't tried the IB Gateway. Perhaps, I should try it if the information in this thread is still valid.
    #10     Mar 28, 2024