Best story of the week, uplifting, inspiring

Discussion in 'Politics' started by oktiri, Nov 12, 2008.

  1. The drag from the states you mention is due to their black populations not because of "inbred" whites. Do you see a lot of "productivity" in Vermont?

    Stupid elite fucks-like I once was-will be eating their lunch in a few months. While the homo ad exec in West Hollywood or the pompous Jew literary agent on the UWS will be unemployed and out on the street those who live off the land will be fine. As "coastal" economies are imploding the energy/farm belt (even after this oil/grain correction) are on fire with growth.

    Educated white folks who PRODUCE NOTHING but debt, paper and words are DONE but a country boy will survive......
    #11     Nov 12, 2008
  2. I can't agree more, In fact, I still predict this crisis will bring major re-alignment in gender relations. Useless people, or as I call them, the project manager class, will starve to death and I couldn't be happier
    HOWEVER, you cannot only judge economies by their state during a crisis, those who have the most risk the most, just tell me what the Afghans have to lose in this crisis, doesn't make them any better.
    #12     Nov 12, 2008

  3. The ONLY growth in the south are in LIBERAL university counties.

    last I checked the counties that contribute to the GDP of these states are ALL blue counties. Austin? All liberals. Same goes for the rest.

    As I was saying.....

    The rest are cousin buggers
    #13     Nov 12, 2008