Best Retail Options Trading Platform

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by 76132, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. 76132



    I was wondering what the best retail options trading platform is? The main feature I'm looking for is the ability to fit my theoretical values to the market. Basically, the platform needs to fit the options pricing model to what the market is currently doing. Then, I can make my own adjustments based on my outlook.
  2. Brighton


    First, I don't think OptionVue is the best (I don't use it) but I'm posting the link below because it's the lowest price I've ever seen. They offer a two week trial so you might want to check them out.

    Personal view: The guts/the engine behind their product might be excellent and there's something to be said for longevity (~30 yrs) but they've fallen way behind the curve in their user interface.

    They used to charge over $2000/yr for what they're now offering at $850. Little by little, the features included in the platforms by Think or Swim, TradeMonster, Interactive Brokers (after recent additions), LiveVol Securities, et al are eroding the ability of OptionVue to charge a premium price.
  3. xandman


    livevol uses 5 pricing models assigned to very specific types of stocks. Users don't have control on which model is in use.

    What users can do is freeze volatilities across the whole chain or enter volatilities individually in the chain to see its effect on theoreticals. You can also see how individual vol settings affect the pnl chart and further model volatility shocks across a range of underlying prices.