Best religion book

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by bookish, Apr 13, 2022.

  1. %%
    Good points;
    not everyone is Rick Warren/sold 50 million Purpose Driven Life. Its more circulated by a lot /i have had 2 copies or more.
    David Barton said 252 [USa] common sayings come from the Bible.
    1]Writing on the wall.
    2]Flood of Biblical Proportions
    3] Go the 2nd mile.
    4]Make hay while the sun shines-Proverbs\ I seldom read the Bible thru/Proverbs is much more practical than most
    [7.77];Really the Bible is much more redemption than religion.
    Proverbs 11;26] He mentions selling something, but exactly what he is selling depends on the translation.:D:D
    #21     May 3, 2022
    maxinger likes this.
  2. %%
    I enjoyed his comments on the radio, jason84.
    Another good book; None of These Diseases by S.I. Mc Millen,MD.
    DR Cherry's ; The Doctor + The Word\ i liked even more.
    These are not just fun books to read; i have had Jesus Christ heal me, more than a few times.:caution::caution: And when i had that Dr take out my wisdom teeth; i knew i need wisdom even more.:D:D
    #22     May 12, 2022