Best live trader chat?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by Shorter000, Nov 11, 2008.

  1. I decided to integrate Skype into the site as that seems to be the most common messaging platform traders seem to use.

    If any of you are remote traders, what features do you like to see on a prop site...blogs, chat rooms, message forums, software? What other things would you expect from a proprietary company to have on their site that would be able to accommodate you as a trader

    This is what has been designed so far I would appreciate any feedback strictly on the site itself, good/bad.

    Anything relating to the company is purely on their end.
    #11     Nov 12, 2008
  2. rc5781


    and send me a free username/password when you realize i'm right...
    #12     Nov 12, 2008
  3. rc

    I have looked into Paltalk, I actually like it and recommended it to the company, so I think there is a good chance we will go with it. We have already enabled skype into the site and will probably leave it for those who already use their service. This is what I have designed so far,

    any feedback on the site good/bad is appreciated as I will take everything into consideration and implement it into the site.

    This is not to advertise or solicit the companys services in anyway
    #13     Nov 14, 2008
  4. Dustin


    Confused on the rate structures...what is the "base rate" for package 1?

    Package 1

    Per share rate: (flat iron base rate)
    Payout structure: 85%
    For shares 5,000,000 and above

    Package 2

    Per share rate: .00075 (.75 cents per 1000 shares)
    Payout Structure: 90%
    For shares 1,000,000 and above

    Also, it would be helpful for guys trying to work with the API to have a few sample demo programs to download.
    #14     Nov 14, 2008

  5. Dustin

    I am not sure what the base rate is for structure 1. That is something someone would need to ask the company, although I will see if they can write something up so it is worded properly.

    For sample demo API programs, do you mean a demo of the trading plaform they offer? or an added on program that goes with the API? Would you be able to provide any links to where I can get this?

    I appreciate your feedback.
    #15     Nov 14, 2008
  6. Dustin


    Often the broker will have a little app written for the software API. It would login, get data, send order, cancel order for example. This helps newer programmers to write their own apps. It's different than the trading software.
    #16     Nov 14, 2008
  7. Thanks I will look into this and see if I can get something up there.
    #17     Nov 14, 2008
  8. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    We have used gotomeeting, mIRC and hotcomm, all are good.
    #18     Nov 16, 2008
  9. I appreciate it, we have training mentors taking over for remote training of new traders, so we are going to integrate the web-teleconference program they would like to use for that and go with one of the mentioned live chat software providers for experienced traders to chat as well. I think we will be taking down Skype as there are to many advertisements and doesn't seem to accommodate our remote traders.
    #19     Nov 17, 2008
  10. I love the graphic design - professional looking!

    My suggestions relate to the wording:

    You web site says (with my suggestions):
    Why Trade Remote (Remotely, because it's an adverb) With Flat Iron?
    Flat Iron Trading offers traders (delete the word "traders" it's not needed to make the sentence clear, and it is repeated later in the sentence.) the ability to trade globally from the convenience of your (delete the word "your") home. Some traders are more focused trading out of (change "out of" to from) the comfort of theirhome (delete the word "their"), overseas or on vacation while being (delete the word "being") connected via web-teleconference with other Flat Iron remote traders. Flat Iron provides it's (delete the apostrophe and just use its, or better yet, just deletete the word; it's unnecessary) remote traders with one on one (change to one-on-one) technical support, risk management, and trader support.

    Also, even with the above changes, this one sentence isn't working well structurally:
    Some traders are more focused trading from the comfort of home, overseas or on vacation while connected via web-teleconference with other Flat Iron remote traders.

    It sounds like you are saying this:
    Some traders are more focused trading from the comfort of:
    1. home,
    2. overseas or
    3. on vacation while connected via web-teleconference with other Flat Iron remote traders.

    I'm not sure what the exact intent is, but I played with it and then realized that the first sentence of the paragraph seems to imply that you are focused on those who trade from home. I would combine the two sentences to make one sentence to imply a trader can trade from anywhere. I played with combining the two…

    "Flat Iron Trading offers the ability to trade globally from any location while connected via web-teleconference with other Flat Iron remote traders. Furthermore, Flat Iron provides its remote traders with one-on-one technical support, risk management, and trader support."

    Additionally, the wording elsewhere on the home page could be tweaked a bit too. I would be happy to look it over if the suggestions I already gave aren't too annoying. If you know a writer, and because you live in NY I'm sure you do, have him or her look it over. Journalists are especially good at making every word count.

    Congratulations on your business.

    #20     Nov 22, 2008