If a person is located in Europe but trades U.S. stocks, should he connect to the U.S. server or the Europe server?
I trade 50/50 German euro stoxx 50 & US S&P ES. If I change to the swiss server, will TWS shut down at midnight my time or midnight US time?
In both cases you might be better with the European Server. 1. IB has high speed links between servers. 2. IB has more problems in the US than anywhere else. 3. They changed the way things work so that even if you hosted of HK when you were placing orders on USA you connect to the US server. (this could be wrong --- I know you get your data from the US but I am not certain that your order goes to the US server).
I've read that you have to call and ask. I'll let you know, I'm going to ask to change to the European (Swiss) servers. Kiwi - thanks for the info. If all goes well I'll be trading more eurex so that I'll have a more normal 9-5 job. So I'm going to try the european server. I'm not sure I'll notice a difference, I trade mostly 1 contract on futures and I use market orders.
log into your account management, make your request by opening a ticket. the change is usually done over the weekend.
Please let us know how it went. I'm also trading from Europe but mainly trading US Futures. I believe I'm on the US server.
You should first do a ping of your current server, write down the latency time so that you can do a comparison after you switch.