best ET post of the year

Discussion in 'Economics' started by zdreg, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. #11     Dec 27, 2012
  2. I'd like to nominate this post...

    A relative in Florida told me this story of the recent Tornadoes that hit central Florida. The story states that a middle aged man was taking a late night dump while paging through a girlie mag as his wife slept. Startled by the sudden loud weather that was shaking thier trailor home, the awackened wife rushed to see where her husband was. As she neared the bathroom the middle part of the roof blew off sending her to the floor.

    As she looked up she saw her husband sucked straight up like a vacuum tube at a bank drive through. Apparantly he was trying to wipe up when the twister snatched him out as the wife said a streamer of toilet paper followed him up and out the hole in the roof. A witness a couple of miles away reported what appeared to be a kite with a long tail shooting skyward into the funnel.

    The man has not been found yet, however an Alligator hunter 40 miles away in a Lake Okeefachobee swamp reported that a cedar tree in the middle of the swamp had been toilet papered, and that there was a nudie centerfold tangled in the branches.

    A local sheriffs deputy believes there may be a connection and states " even if the gentlemen survived the 40 mile tornado ride the gators probably got him."

    Rennick Cantori out:cool:
    #12     Dec 27, 2012
  3. JamesL


    #13     Dec 27, 2012
  4. Mercor


    Thank you to Zdreg for the post!
    Thank you to Maverick74 for the edit, and to James for the re-posting.

    This article is from November 2008. Seems like it was torn out of Obama's playbook.
    #14     Dec 27, 2012