I am looking for an direct acess broker , my minimum trading size is 5000 shares Can somebody recommend a good broker with a flat rate , fast executions and a very good reachability by telephone ? Right now I am a customer of IB but trading size is not so cheap and reachability by telephone is poor THX for an answer
You can probably get a better deal from IB if you trade really large volume. All you need to do is ask the right people.
jaiko, We would be delighted to be your direct access broker. Please visit our website www.pointdirex.com We have 4 different trading platforms for every trading style. Each platform has lightening fast executions and real time data; we also have a great flat rate commission. We are easily accessible either by phone (1.866.683.4739) or by email (support@pointdirex.com). Look forward to hearing what you think. Best Regards, PointDirex Customer Support.
Even not the best, however one that most of you trade with. Not hassle, no not expensive, good support, owns his SW (or at least can support it ) Anything like that exists?
http://www.mbtrading.com Reasonable rates, customer service continues to be excellent..has a demo to try also before you actually fund an account. Interface is easy to use and integratable with several different data providers. MBTX route functionality still pretty good also. FWIW Chris
I am also looking for a stock broker alternative to IB. I have never used IB, but it is important to me to be able to get a hold of someone by phone, in the remote instance I would need to(and this looks like the biggest complaint of members using IB at this time). I do not need direct access. The commissions and execution of course need to be comparable to IB. My positions would be from 2-5 days most of the time. I currently trade futures.
There have been vast improvements in pickup times for calls within the past month. New system, procedures etc. Before writing IB off, why not pick up the phone and call during trading hours and then if not satisfied, look elsewhere.