Best books on Trading Psychology

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by florriefello, Dec 1, 2022.

  1. I think Trading psychology is something that we need to learn through practicals more than theory. Still reading some good books can be beneficial for beginners to get into the subject. So, here’s my list of best books on the topic of trading psychology.
    • Trading in the Zone by Mark Douglas
    • The Disciplined Trader by Mark Douglas
    • Market Wizards by Jack Schwager
    • The Psychology Of Trading by Brett N. Steenbarger
    • Trading Psychology 2.0 by Brett N. Steenbarger
    Feel free to add more and also comment on the ones you have read from the list.
  2. Q.E.D.


    Wow! In decades, I've never seen a list of books for traders, without the one that all top traders pay tribute to, which also includes excellent view of psychology:

    KCalhoun likes this.
  3. Leob


    From my experience you should understand what psychology the market try to operate on you the retail trader. Reading Trading in the zone explain human psychology weakness, the market try to take advantage from those weakness. The context of reading trading psychology books should "what the market want me to think, to feal" especially when price condition are unclear.
    PPC and florriefello like this.
  4. zghorner


    Bold of OP to assume we can read.
  5. The only book you need lol:

    Sick Of Gambling!: Powerful Techniques To Quit Your Gambling Addiction & Take Back Your Life
    Sekiyo and mldn1 like this.
  6. %%
    All of Jack Schwager's Top Trading Books.
    In ...Greed[About risk, Bankers Trust, + a bit to much sarcasm calling Enron ''World's Greatest Co/LOL ''-Frank Partnoy
    florriefello likes this.

  7. LOL!
    murray t turtle likes this.
  8. Q.E.D.


    Apparently prior link was not included. However, the best book on trading, including psychology is:
    Reminiscences of a Stock Operator

    Even after my first reading, more than 40 years ago, I still flip through quotes I physically typed on index cards. Yes, pre computers.
    florriefello and murray t turtle like this.
  9. Q.E.D.


    Pity you don't understand the difference between speculating and gambling
  10. zghorner


    They are the same thing.

    Imagine placing a bet on an uncertain outcome and convincing yourself that isn't gambling.

    Even of the odds are in your the casino not also gambling with their money? They take huge hits all the time. Hell they go bankrupt (blow up) too...

    It's gambling by definition.
    #10     Dec 2, 2022
    Rams Fan likes this.