Best and Worst CNBC Commercials

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TraderJimR, Apr 29, 2002.

  1. Gets my vote!
    #11     Apr 29, 2002
  2. PrueFan


    "Don't eat the salmon!"

    That was the most annoying commercial EVER!

    #12     Apr 29, 2002
  3. Big boss says: "people we've got to cut costs" - then the dweeby guy says " how about we sign up for and save 10% on all online shipping?" his co-workers don't say a word, then the boss guy from casting central says exactly the same thing and everyone thinks its a brilliant idea - great commercial!

    I agree with Musicaman's pic about the guy who goes nuts daytrading and jumps out the window, oh and lastly, anyone remember "tube top and foot pajama Friday?" I could go on but...
    #13     Apr 29, 2002
  4. IMO 99% of the commercials blow the big one.

    My most hated at the moment is the one that starts "I Believe In The Market" Yeah, I believe your net worth is down 50% too.
    #14     Apr 29, 2002
  5. I also like the bull and the bear at the dinner... "... tips are for cows!"
    Also an old one... the guy who got all excited for making a teenie... and suddenly got a big loss... "... I'll be back..." :D
    anyone noticed when he scratched his foot, wearing sock and sandals? it's funny, a little details, but both my friend and I noticed. LOL

    I hate most, beside the "Don't eat the salmon", is from Fidelity, I don't know if it's on CNBC... a husband and wife, husband said "I like to trade with Fidelity for the excitements..." . Wife said "he likes to trade with Fidelity because he knows he does it with people who know what they do..."

    #15     Apr 29, 2002
  6. ChrisRT


    Worst - Think it was E-Trade. Old woman meets old man Harold I think was his name. He teaches her about online trading...couldn't ever figure out the dance names:

    We would do the "the loop d doo" and "low the bow"...but Harold or whatever his name was in his cowboy duds doing the dance with that "I'm gonna score tonight" grin on his face really creeped me out.

    Best - Girl and her friend come in from jogging..One friend "has to check how the market is doing" She sits down to see her biotech stock is up and is happy. Her blond quietly exuberant friend is so excited to tell her friend "I have mutual funds" with such pleasure for herself. I fell out of my chair everytime...I have mutual funds! LOL
    #16     Apr 29, 2002
  7. I actually like most of the new E-Trade commercials with the tag line "Times have changed"...But the best is the office clerk for a who is the "gofer" and leaves work in a yellow Lamborghini, just really had a nice cynical twist to it...Too bad it comes from E-Trade, a company I despise...I also like that FedEx add with all the "yes" men sucking up to their boss when he repeats the same idea in "CEO talk", that is another really funny twist; great add...

    The worst commericals all came from 1999, imo...All of those sit at home, make a ton of money while cleaning the house, changing the diapers, etc, etc...Almost every commercial that was on the air for six months was so full of hype it was nauseating...Glad those days are long long gone...

    (Oh just remembered most who doesn't want to jump in the screen and strangle the idiot saying, " bob")
    #17     Apr 29, 2002
  8. I like the fed ex commercial also , I forgot about that one .
    Great commercial.
    #18     Apr 29, 2002
  9. ChrisRT


    I guess I couldn't ever forget the Ameritrade free spirit yoga class..I'm off the beach. I'm trading stocks..."it's your body, it's natural"..that guy was a little too excited to be in spandex for my taste.
    #19     Apr 29, 2002
  10. Yea that fidelity commercial sucks .
    A map of the market , what the hell is a map of the market .
    Anyone who followed that map over the last 2 years got lost real bad. !!!
    #20     Apr 29, 2002