Berserk Trader !!!!

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Samson77, May 8, 2004.

  1. What is amzing is that you consider yourself a trader.You seem to have a set of rules that you say you follow 98 out of 100 days,yet you haven't made any significant money.Yet when you have a profit of 750,000 you don't take ANY of it.That must have been one of those two days of not following the rules.I have been trading futures for ten years now and have been through the gamut several times.You have much to learn,son.
    #51     May 10, 2004

  2. Why not withdraw for the rest of your life. This web site is for traders, not the mentally disturbed.
    #52     May 10, 2004
  3. My faith is strong,thank you.My point was that you are praising God for a trade that you got LUCKY on.If you want to give glory to God and credit to Him,give the profit from that trade to your favorite charity.Accept your reward as the experience.
    #53     May 10, 2004

  4. That would be one for the mentally ill then
    #54     May 10, 2004
  5. Amen my brother that is exactly what I was planning on doing :)

    Please be with you and God Bless.
    #55     May 10, 2004
  6. You come on here to get advice and feedback and when your needs are satisfied you are done.YOU SELFISH PRICK!!!People come here to read these posts and hopefully get something out of them even if they aren't responding.You starting a thread and not seeing it to its logical conclusion means you are only out for yourself.Save your thank yous,nobody wants to hear them.Take your pathetic trading style,lose all your money,and don't ever post here again you piece of shit.
    #56     May 10, 2004
  7. What truly makes you happy? What do you love? What is the Lords will in your life?

    Do you think the horse you are betting on is the Lords will for you? Do you pray for your trades to be successful, and what if you lose money? Do you then blame the Lord Jesus Christ who already paid for the trade?

    Are you dragging a man in the flesh who died for you into this?

    Michael B.
    #57     May 10, 2004
  8. We won't see Samson again until he needs advice about his stupidity.Which,based on his posts,should be fairly soon.Don't bother with him.He's a loser.
    #58     May 10, 2004
  9. Samson77 -- is it....could it that you T-REX ??
    #59     May 10, 2004
  10. well, that depends on which demo account he is signed up with.. some are better than others you know..

    #60     May 10, 2004